"وصيته" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his will
    • his legacy
    • a will
    • wrote
    • the will
    • testament
    He was a zillionaire. his will might be very interesting. Open Subtitles لقد كان زيليونير لا بد ان وصيته مثيره جدا
    Strange, Fuller would amend his will just before he died. Open Subtitles من الغريب أن دوجلاس عدل وصيته فقط قبل وفاته.
    You really think one of his sons forged his will? Open Subtitles أحقاً تعتقد بأن واحداً من الأبناء زوّر وصيته ؟
    Pete wanted this kind of celebration until I read his will. Open Subtitles ان بيت اراد هذا النوع من الاحتفالات حتى قرأت وصيته
    He owned this apartment until he died and left it to me in his will, which was just probated. Open Subtitles ‫قبل 43 عاما تملك هذه الشقة حتى مات ‫وتركها لي في وصيته ‫التي تم للتو المصادقة عليها
    If the testator makes a will prior to marriage and he then subsequently marries and has a child, or if he did so after a childless marriage and then subsequently has a child, his will shall be invalidated. UN إذا أوصى الموصي قبل الزواج ثم تزوج ورزق ولدا أو أوصى بعد الزواج ولم يكن له ولد ثم رزق ولداً تبطل وصيته.
    A Druze has the right to revoke or amend his will, the testator's final wish being the crucial issue in the making of a will. UN يحق للدرزي الرجوع عن وصيته أو تعديلها، فالعبرة في الإيصاء لإرادة الموصي الأخيرة.
    Now, you've been with Christian 18 months, even though he put you in his will after just 12. Open Subtitles الآن، لقد كنت مع كريستان 18 شهرا على الرغم من انه وضعك في وصيته بعد 12 شهر فقط
    He specified in his will that no matter how natural in appearance the circumstances of his death a private inquest should be conducted to determine whether any one of you his former study group murdered him. Open Subtitles نص في وصيته بأنه مهما بدت ظروف وفاته طبيعية فتحقيق خاص يجب أن يتم إجرائه لتحديد ما إذا كان أحدكم أعضاء مجموعته الدراسية
    Left me his scissors in his will. President Lincoln, sir. Open Subtitles والحلاق الذي قبله ترك لي مقصاته في وصيته
    It was in his will, which is the same answer that I gave you seven years ago. Open Subtitles كان هذا في وصيته و هذه نفس الإجابة التي قلتها لك منذ 7 سنوات.
    We know that Charles left his fortune to you and Yvette, but he failed to include language in his will that would exclude his bastard children from laying claim to their share of it. Open Subtitles لك ول ايفيت ولكنه فشل في ادخال اللغة في وصيته الذي يستثنى أطفاله اللقطاء منوضع المطالبة بحصتهم
    The other claimant says that you were cheating on his dad-- that's why the deceased changed his will Open Subtitles المدعي الآخر يقول أنكِ كنتِ تخونين والده ولهذا السبب غيّر المتوفى وصيته
    I made sure that he'd left you money in his will, but he was threatening to leave you with nothing. Open Subtitles لقد ضمنت بان يحفظ لك اموالا في وصيته ولكنه كان يهدد بان لا يترك لك شيئا
    But after he died, I got this address from the executor of his will. Open Subtitles ولكن بعدما مات، حصلت على هذا العنوان من مُنفذ وصيته
    He made an appointment with his lawyer to change his will the day before he died. Open Subtitles كان على موعد مع محاميه لتغيير وصيته قبل يوم وفاته
    Walter was going to change his will, but it was Gavin he was cutting out of it, not his stepmother. Open Subtitles وولتر كان سيقوم بتغيير وصيته لكنه كان غافين من سيقوم بإخراجه من وصيته ليست زوجة أبيه
    You inherited $150,000 because Dad never got around to changing his will after the divorce. Open Subtitles بل ورثتِ 150 ألف دولار لأن أبي لم يتمكن أبداً من تغيير وصيته بعد الطلاق
    purchasing poison, consulting his will, planning an escape with a mystery man who was paid a handsome fee. Open Subtitles تشترين السم تستشيرين وصيته تخخطين للهروب مع رجل غامض الذي دُفع له مبلغ محترم
    And it's his legacy now that sets us off on our first journey as husband and wife. Open Subtitles و وصيته الآن بأن يحدد أول رحلة لنا كزوج وزوجه
    Two days before, he allegedly wrote a will whereby he was leaving all his property to his brother, Yuriy Slyusar. UN ويزعم أن والده كان قد كتب وصيته قبل يومين من اختفائه، وهي وصية جاء فيها أنه ترك جميع أملاكه لأخيه، يوري سليوسار.
    His father cut him out of the will and his family fortune. Open Subtitles حذفه والده من وصيته و حرمه من ثروة عائلته
    In 1985, Vlatislav Adam died and, in his last will and testament, left his Czech property to his sons. UN وفي عام ١٩٨٥، توفي فلاتسلاف آدم وأوصى ﻷولاده في وصيته اﻷخيرة بممتلكاته التشيكية.

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