"his store" - Translation from English to Arabic

    • متجره
    • مخزنه
    • مخزنِه
    He's convinced he can prove to me that his store is irresistible. Open Subtitles هو مقتنع بأنه يستطيع أن يثبت لي بأن متجره لا يقاوم
    What he did assert in his interview was that his store was closed down a week after he argued with the imam/mullah. UN وما أكده في المقابلة هو أن متجره أُغلق بعد أسبوع من جداله مع الإمام.
    What he did assert in his interview was that his store was closed down a week after he argued with the imam/mullah. UN وما أكده في المقابلة هو أن متجره أُغلق بعد أسبوع من جداله مع الإمام.
    He allowed meetings of the church to be conducted in his store and was questioned by police in 2001. UN وكان يسمح بعقد اجتماعات للكنيسة في متجره واستجوبته الشرطة في عام 2001.
    In fact, when you were sitting in my kitchen, I remembered you telling me about how you shared coffee with your dad at his store when you were a girl. Open Subtitles حقيقةً، لمّا كنتِ جالسةً في مطبخي تذكّرتُ عندما أخبرتِني عن كيف تشاركتِ القهوة مع أبيك في مخزنه عندما كنتِ طفلة
    He allowed meetings of the church to be conducted in his store and was questioned by police in 2001. UN وكان يسمح بعقد اجتماعات للكنيسة في متجره واستجوبته الشرطة في عام 2001.
    No, that his store is a part of the hotel development. Open Subtitles كلّا، بأنّ متجره جزءًا من خطّة إنشاء الفندق.
    We can't leave until we find his store of panels and take them out. Open Subtitles لا يمكننا أن نترك حتى نجد متجره لوحات وتأخذ بها.
    He was closing up his store and asked if I needed a ride home. Open Subtitles كان يغلق متجره وسألني إن كنت أريد توصيله للمنزل.
    The candy man came with invitations to a party at his store. Open Subtitles رجل الحلويات أتى بدعوات إلى حفلة في متجره.
    I know, but his store was reopening, and then there were the holidays, and then he was sick. Open Subtitles أعلم، لكنه كان يعيد ،إفتتاح متجره ،و من ثم أتى موسم الأعياد ثم مرض
    So, Ruby said, uh, Steve Rosato saw the abandoned truck in a lane behind his store. Open Subtitles إذن روبي قالت, أن ستيف روساتو رأى سيارة مهجورة في ممر خلف متجره
    He got into it with some kid, selling drugs out front of his store. Open Subtitles دَخلَ هناك مع طفلِ يَبِيعُه مخدّرات خارج متجره
    We visited his store during business hours Open Subtitles لقد زرناه فى متجره أثناء ساعات عملنا ، وطرحنا عليه بعض الأسئلة.
    Although he did die doing what he loved- refusing service to hippies who came into his store. Open Subtitles بالإضافة إلى أنه مات وهو يفعل الأشياء التي يحبها رافضاً خدمة الغجر الذين جاءوا إلى متجره
    All he wanted was one more good day before everybody found out... that his store was closing, and he's going bankrupt. Open Subtitles كــل مـا أراده هو يوم أخر جيد قبل أن يعرف الجميع أن متجره سيُغلق و أنــه سيفلس
    Legend has it, when his store closed down and the staff made redundant... he conned the company out of $60,000 and shared it amongst his coworkers. Open Subtitles يقال أنه عندما أغلق متجره .. وأصبحالموظّفينعاطلين. خدع الشركة بـ60,000 دولار وإشتركفيهامع زملاءعمله.
    Well, Marcelino, he has cockfights in the back of his store. Open Subtitles مارسلينو يقيم مباريات مصارعة ديوك في مؤخرة متجره.
    Starting in 1978, the author received numerous summons from the Quebec authorities, requesting him to replace commercial advertisements in English outside his store by advertisements in French. UN وابتداء من عام ١٩٧٨، تلقى صاحب البلاغ عدة أوامر من سلطات كيبك، مطالبة إياه بالاستعاضة عن اﻹعلانات التجارية المكتوبة باللغة الانكليزية المعروضة خارج متجره بإعلانات مكتوبة باللغة الفرنسية.
    They busted into his store. His acid reflux is acting up. Open Subtitles أغاروا على مخزنه الحامض السائل,ليس كما كان
    You'll drop a gum wrapper in the street in front of his store later. Open Subtitles أنت سَتَسْقطُ غلاف لبان في الشارعِ أمام مخزنِه لاحقاً.

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