The police officer allegedly sprayed a paralysing substance on Ion Axente’s face and then kicked and beat him severely causing serious brain damage. | UN | ويُدعى أن رجل الشرطة قد رش وجه ايون أكسينتي بمادة مُشلة ثم ركله وضربه ضربا مبرحا مما سبب تلفاً خطيراً بمخه. |
They then insulted him and beat him until the local police arrived and drove them off. | UN | ثم قاما بإهانته وضربه حتى وصلت الشرطة المحلية واقتادتهما. |
He claimed that he had been arrested, questioned and beaten on several occasions and accused of disseminating fundamentalist pamphlets. | UN | وادعى أنه ألقي القبض عليه، وتم استجوابه، وضربه عدة مرات، واتهم بتوزيع منشورات أصولية. |
There he was shackled, kicked and beaten, and then driven from one police station to another. | UN | وهناك جرى تقييده باﻷغلال، وركله وضربه ثم نقل من مخفر شرطة إلى آخر. |
CID officers hit him on his upper and lower back, shoulders and chest, causing him extensive pain. | UN | وضربه عناصر المديرية على طرفي ظهره الأعلى والأسفل وعلى كتفيه وصدره، ما تسبب له في ألم شديد. |
A settler stabbed him in the leg with a bottle and struck him in the head with a stone. | UN | وطعنه أحد المستوطنين في رجله باستخدام زجاجة وضربه في رأسه بحجر. |
That mans struck him across his skull and kicked him to the ground and leave him for dead. | Open Subtitles | هذا الرجل لقد ضربه على جمجمته وضربه على الارض حتى مات |
He then assaulted the author, beating and kicking him to unconsciousness, removed the author's press ID, and left. | UN | مرة أخرى بإلقاء القبض عليه وتعذيبه، ثم هجم عليه وضربه وركله حتى فقد وعيه، وبعد ذلك أخذ منه بطاقته الصحفية وغادر المكان. |
One of the policemen was then said to have leaned on him with his full weight, while hitting him in the face and swearing at him. | UN | ويقال إن أحد الضباط اتكأ عليه بكل ثقله وضربه على الوجه وهو يوجه إليه الشتائم. |
However, he was allegedly taken again to the police station, where an officer tied his hands and beat him with the butt of the gun on the knees and face. | UN | ومع ذلك، يدعى أنه أُخذ مرة أخرى إلى مركز الشرطة، حيث قام أحد الضباط بتقييد يديه وضربه بعقب البندقية على ركبتيه ووجهه. |
According to reports, he was then taken to a different office, where another officer humiliated him and beat him. | UN | ثم اقتيد إلى مكتب آخر حيث أهانه وضربه شرطي آخر. |
The guards allegedly kicked and beat him with a stick on the legs and arms. | UN | ويُزعم أن أفراد الحرس الوطني قاموا برفسه وضربه بعصا على ساقيه وذراعيه. |
According to an eyewitness, U Win Htwe was followed by a policeman and beaten to death. | UN | ويفيد شاهد بأن شرطياً تعقب يو وين توي وضربه حتى الموت. |
He was allegedly arrested at the military barracks of Atoyac, State of Guerrero, where, according to reports, he was blindfolded and beaten by soldiers of the barracks. | UN | وأدعي أنه أوقف في ثكنة اتوياك العسكرية بولاية غيريرو، حيث أفيد أن جنود الثكنة قاموا بعصب عينيه وضربه. |
He claims to have been rolled in a carpet and beaten with a wooden stick, the so-called rotissoire, two or three times a week for more than two hours until he became unconscious. | UN | ويدعي أنه كان تم لفه بسجادة وضربه بعصا خشبية معروفة بالمشواة مرتين أو ثلاث مرات أسبوعياً لأكثر من شهرين حتى يفقد وعيه. |
One officer hit him on his head with the butt of a rifle, leading him to bleed profusely. | UN | وضربه أحد أفراد الشرطة على رأسه بعقب بندقية، مما جعله ينزف بغزارة. |
Another time, Dragan Nikolić kicked him in the face with his boots and hit him with a baton, gashing open his face. | UN | وفي مرة أخرى، ركله دراغان نيكوليتش بحذائه في وجهه، وضربه بهراوة، مما أصابه بجرح في وجهه. |
Another soldier pushed one of the Palestinians and hit him on the back and the head with his personal weapon. | UN | وقام جندي آخر بدفع أحد الفلسطينيين وضربه على ظهره ورأسه بسلاحه الخاص. |
It turns out their leader crashed one of Ian's speaking engagements last year and struck him in the leg with a baseball bat. | Open Subtitles | وتبين زعيمهم تحطمت واحدة من التعاقدات تحدث إيان العام الماضي وضربه في الساق بمضرب بيسبول. |
The torture was said to include having his hands tied with chains; being punched and kicked; being beaten with rubber truncheons to his head, face and genitals; and being hung upside down with his legs tied. | UN | وقيل إن التعذيب شمل تكبيل اليدين بسلاسل؛ ولكمه وركله؛ وضربه بهراوات مطاطية على رأسه ووجهه وأعضائه التناسلية؛ وعُلق من رجليه المربوطتين. |
A police officer beat him and asked him to hand over US$ 25,000 and half of his cargo in exchange for allowing him to continue on his way. | UN | وضربه أحد ضباط الشرطة وسأله أن يعطيه 000 25 دولار أمريكي ونصف ما ينقله مقابل أن يسمح له بمواصله مسيره. |
There were four officers present; he was beaten by one police officer with a " whiplash " and one with a thin stick. | UN | وكان هناك أربعة ضباط؛ وضربه أحد ضباط الشرطة " بجلاز " وضربه ضابط شرطة آخر بعصا رفيعة. |