
    "أدلى ببيانين" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • statements were made by the
    • made statements
    • statements were also made
    • a statement was made by the
    • statements in
    • statements were then made by the
    In exercise of right of reply, statements were made by the representatives of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. UN وفي إطار ممارسة حق الرد أدلى ببيانين ممثلا كل من الجمهورية العربية السورية وجمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية.
    After the vote, statements were made by the representatives of Argentina and the United Kingdom. UN وعقب التصويت أدلى ببيانين ممثلا الأرجنتين والمملكة المتحدة.
    statements were made by the observers of the International Organization for Migration and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. UN كما أدلى ببيانين المراقبان عن المنظمة الدولية للهجرة ومنظمة فرسان مالطة العسكرية المستقلة.
    Following the vote, statements were made by the representative of the United States of America, and by the President, speaking in his capacity as the representative of Argentina. UN وبعد التصويت أدلى ببيانين ممثل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، والرئيس الذي تكلم بصفته ممثل الأرجنتين.
    The representatives of Turkey and Cyprus made statements in the exercise of the right of reply. UN أدلى ببيانين ممارسة لحق الرد ممثلا كل من تركيا وقبرص.
    Following the vote, statements were made by the representatives of China and Canada. UN وبعد التصويت، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا الصين وكندا.
    Before the vote, statements were made by the representatives of France and Malaysia. UN وقبل التصويت، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا فرنسا وماليزيا.
    statements were made by the representatives of Ireland and Sweden, The representative of the secretariat made comments. UN أدلى ببيانين ممثلا أيرلندا والسويد، وعلﱠقت عليهما اﻷمانة.
    statements were made by the Chairman and the represent-ative of the Syrian Arab Republic. UN أدلى ببيانين الرئيس وممثل الجمهورية العربية السورية.
    Following a statement by the representative of Morocco on a procedural matter, statements were made by the representatives of Indonesia and Uganda. UN وبعد البيـــان الذي أدلى به ممثل المغـــرب بشأن مسألة إجرائية، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا إندونيسيا وأوغندا.
    Following the vote, statements were made by the repre- sentative of China, and by the President, speaking in his capacity as the representative of the United States. UN وبعد التصويت، أدلى ببيانين كل من ممثل الصين والرئيس متكلما بصفته ممثل الولايات المتحدة.
    Following the vote, statements were made by the represent-atives of France and the United States. UN وبعد التصويت، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا فرنسا والولايات المتحدة. اللجان
    After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Cuba and Canada. UN وبعد اعتماد مشروع القرار، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا كوبا وكندا.
    statements were made by the representatives of Turkey and Cuba in the exercise of their right of reply. UN أدلى ببيانين ممارسة لحق الرد ممثلا تركيا وكوبا.
    Following the vote, statements were made by the repre- sentative of the United Kingdom and by the President, speaking in his capacity as the representative of Costa Rica. UN وبعد التصويت أدلى ببيانين ممثل المملكة المتحدة والرئيس متحدثا بصفته ممثلا لكوستاريكا.
    statements were made by the representatives of Israel and the United States. UN أدلى ببيانين ممثلا إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة.
    Before the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Spain and the United States. UN وقبل اعتماد مشروع القرار، أدلى ببيانين ممثلا اسبانيا والولايات المتحدة.
    statements were made by the representatives of the United States and the Philippines. UN أدلى ببيانين ممثلا الولايات المتحدة والفلبين.
    Before the vote, statements were made by the representatives of France and Malaysia. UN وقبل إجراء التصويت أدلى ببيانين ممثلا فرنسا وماليزيا.
    The representatives of FAO and OLDEPESCA also made statements. UN كما أدلى ببيانين ممثل كل من منظمة اﻷغذية والزراعة ومنظمة أمريكا اللاتينية لتنمية مصائد اﻷسماك.
    statements were also made by representatives of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). UN كما أدلى ببيانين ممثلا منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي والمنظمة البحرية الدولية.
    84. After the adoption of the draft resolution, a statement was made by the representative of the Russian Federation and by the observer for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). UN 84 - وبعد اعتماد مشروع القرار، أدلى ببيانين ممثل الاتحاد الروسي والمراقب عن جمهورية فنزويلا البوليفارية.
    statements in explanation of vote before the vote were made by the representatives of Pakistan and Saint Lucia. UN أدلى ببيانين تعليلا للتصويت قبل التصويت ممثلا باكستان وسانت لوسيا.
    statements were then made by the representatives of Austria and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. UN كما أدلى ببيانين ممثلا النمسا وجمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاتحادية.

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