told him I'd jack him up if he didn't do it. | Open Subtitles | اخبرته اني سأحدث به ضرر بالغ ان لم يفعل ذلك |
All I told him was that if you want me to do that, then don't eat the asparagus. | Open Subtitles | كل ما اخبرته به هو : ان كنت تريدني ان افعل هذا اذاً لا تأكل الهليوم |
I've told him about not kicking it against Winnie's wall. | Open Subtitles | لقد اخبرته بأن لا يركل على جدار ال وينيز |
Did you tell him to prepare more boards for Accutron? | Open Subtitles | هل اخبرته ان يجهز المزيد من اللوحات لأكيوترون ؟ |
I told him to go suck on somebody else's tit. | Open Subtitles | لقد اخبرته ان يذهب لكي يلعق حلمة شخص اخر |
I know, and I told him it couldn't happen again, but then he said it was no big deal. | Open Subtitles | اعلم و اخبرته انه لا يمكن ان يحدث ثانية و من ثم قال انه ليس أمر جلل |
I told him about a fire trail that I run on. | Open Subtitles | لقد اخبرته عن فريق الاطفاء التطوعي الذي كنت اعمل عليه |
But when I told him that we should just be friends, | Open Subtitles | لكن حينما اخبرته بانه من الافضل ان نكون اصدقاء فقط |
She told him that I was possessed by the Devil. | Open Subtitles | لقد اخبرته انه تم الاستحواذ عليا من قبل الشيطان |
Your missionary companion told him that that Christian person... you were nothing more than a bet he made. | Open Subtitles | شركة الكهانه اخبرته .. بان ذاك الشاب كريستيان لم يكن يعتبرك سوى رهان يتراهن به .. |
I told him that we could provide psychological help, legal support. But we wouldn't put the cyanide in his mouth | Open Subtitles | اخبرته انه باستطاعتي ان اقوم بتامين الرعتيه الصحيه له وان ادعمه قانونيا ولكننا لن نقوم بمساعدته ليقتل نفسه |
You told him feeling guilty when a series of crimes is occurring that you can't stop, natural response. | Open Subtitles | اخبرته انك تشعر بالذنب لأن سلسلة من جرائم القتل تحصل وانت لاتستطيع ايقافها ردة فعل طبيعية |
Yeah, but I've told him, there's no secret in the fact. | Open Subtitles | نعم, لكن لقد اخبرته لا يوجد سر في هذه الحقيقه |
And I told him we shouldn't be fucking around down there. | Open Subtitles | وانا اخبرته انه لا يجب علينا ان نعبث هناك بالأسفل |
I told him it would be difficult. And that everything is unreal. | Open Subtitles | اخبرته من الصعب ان يحدث هذا, وان كل شيء غير حقيقي |
I told him you got there after and that we both arrived too late, so you're off the hook. | Open Subtitles | اخبرته انك وصلت هناك بعد ان وصلت انا وان كلاً منا قد وصل متأخراً لفعل اي شيئ |
Dad, I told him not to come and he came anyway. | Open Subtitles | أبي،لقد اخبرته بأن لا يأتي ولكني عصاني على كل حال |
I did tell him that. | Open Subtitles | و سأذهب الى السجن بدلا من خيانتهمم اخبرته بذلك |
Uh, except... it'd be way better if I could tell him what it actually is instead of just giving him a dumb look when he asks. | Open Subtitles | اه، إلا سيكون أفضل إذا اخبرته ما هو المعدن بدلا من مجرد اعطائه نظرة غبية عندما يسأل |
I thought, if I said those words, we couldn't meet comfortably. | Open Subtitles | فكرت انى اذا اخبرته بهذا فلن نشعر بالراحه اذا تقابلنا |
I feel mean telling him we're not dating when he's in this state. | Open Subtitles | ♪ اشعر بأني لئيمة اذا اخبرته بأننا لسنا نتواعد وهو بهذه الحالة |
I tell him that you love him very much, but you're sick, and you'll see him when you're better. | Open Subtitles | اخبرته انك تحبيه كثيراً وانك مريضة، وستعودين لرؤيته عندما تتحسنين |