Now, had we stayed there one more day, we would have been able to see the whole thing go down. | Open Subtitles | الآن، بَقى نحن هناك يوم أكثر واحد، نحن كَانَ يمكنُ أَنْ نَكُونَ قادرون على الرُؤية الشيء بأكمله يَهْبطُ. |
But they went. He stayed only long enough to tell him. | Open Subtitles | لَكنَّهم ذَهبوا و هو بَقى طويل بما فيه الكفاية لإخْباره |
We know he arrived too late to see the body, which is probably why he stayed overnight. | Open Subtitles | نَعْرفُ بأنّه وَصلَ متأخر جداً لرُؤية الجسمِ، الذي من المحتمل الذي بَقى ليلياً. |
There's no way he survived that fall without compromising his suit. | Open Subtitles | ليس هناك طريق بَقى ذلك السقوطِ بدون مُسَاوَمَة بدلتِه. |
Through some fluke, it remained in your abdominal cavity and just calcified overtime. | Open Subtitles | خلال بَعْض الحظِّ، بَقى في تجويفِكَ البطنيِ وفقط كلّسَ وقت إضافي. |
The age of the victims has stayed the same as the unsub has aged. | Open Subtitles | عُمر الضحايا بَقى تماماً مثل الغير ثانوي لَهُ بعمرِ. |
The rest of us stayed to at least try to make the patients comfortable. | Open Subtitles | بَقى نحن الباقونُ للمُحَاوَلَة على الأقل لجَعْل المرضى مرتاحينِ. |
And Larry stayed with me all that night. | Open Subtitles | بالإضافة، لاري بَقى مَعي طيلة ذلك الليل. |
I'm looking for somebody who stayed here called Chaudhry Bashir. | Open Subtitles | أَبْحثُ عن شخص ما الذي بَقى هنا مسمّى شابوري باشر. |
But he also realized that the little prince could never live happily ever after if he stayed at Mr. Monk's house, | Open Subtitles | لَكنَّه أدركَ أيضاً الذي الأمير الصَغير ما تَمَكّنَ أَنْ يَعِيشَ بسعادة أبداً بعد إذا بَقى في بيتِ السّيدِ Monk، |
He stayed there for like three and ahalf years. | Open Subtitles | بَقى هناك لمثل ثلاثة و نِصْف السَنَواتِ. |
He stayed on his feet as long as he could. | Open Subtitles | بَقى على أقدامِه طالما هو يُمْكِنُ أَنْ. |
She was trying to move it, but the wind was strong and the hair stayed there. | Open Subtitles | هي كَانتْ تُحاولُ تَحريكه، لكن الريحَ كَانَ قويَ والشَعرَ بَقى هناك. |
The only thing we ever had that ever stayed the same was hope. | Open Subtitles | الشيء الوحيد نحن أبداً كَانَ عِنْدَنا ذلك بَقى نفس أبداً كَانَ أملاً. |
I guess Broadway liked that movie so much, he stayed to watch it a few more times. | Open Subtitles | أَحْسبُ برودواي حَبَّ ذلك الفلمِ كثيراً، بَقى لمُرَاقَبَته بضع مرات أخرى. |
stayed late every night for a month. | Open Subtitles | بَقى متأخّراً كُلَّ لَيلة لمدّة شهر. |
When the killing was over, only 22 of them had survived. | Open Subtitles | عندما القتل كَانَ إنتهى، فقط 22 منهم بَقى. |
And if he survived an attack by a werewolf,... ..wouldn't he himself become a werewolf at the next full moon? | Open Subtitles | وإذا بَقى حي من الهجوم مِن قِبل مذؤوب الا هو بنفسه سيُصبحَ مذؤوب في اكتمال القمر القادمِ؟ |
A place where species have survived in isolation for millions of years. | Open Subtitles | المكان حيث النوع بَقى في العزلةِ لملايينِ السَنَواتِ. |
There remained one suspect whose whereabouts had not yet been established. | Open Subtitles | بَقى مشتبه بهُ واحد هناك الذي مكان ما كَانَ قَدْ رغم ذلك مُؤَسَّسَ. |
The Magna Carta may have remained legally inconsequential had it not been resurrected... | Open Subtitles | الميثاق الأعظم لَرُبَّما لَهُ بَقى غير هامُ قانونيا كَانَ عِنْدَهُ هو لا بُعِثَ... |
Impressive that it remained intact. | Open Subtitles | الرائع بأنّ بَقى سليمَ. أنا أَقُولُ. |