Well,you at least got a chance to tell him that you didn't try to shoot him on purpose,though,right? | Open Subtitles | حسناً، أنت على الأقل حصلتِ على فرصة لإخباره أنكِ لم تحاولي ضربه عمداً، مع ذلك، صحيح؟ |
to tell him that you know he sent someone to kill you and you're still alive? | Open Subtitles | لإخباره بأنك تعرِف أنه قام بإرسال شخصِ ما ليقوم بقتلِك, وأنك ما تزال على قيد الحياة؟ |
We've been quarreling, I've no chance to tell him. | Open Subtitles | لقد تشاجرنا ، لم يكن لدي أي فرصة لإخباره |
I... don't feel comfortable telling him that I don't feel ready to date right now, so to keep his interest I need the author of this book to hold her head high and admit who she is. | Open Subtitles | أنا .. لا أشعر بالراحة لإخباره أنني لست مستعدة للمواعدة الآن |
But I have to think of a good way of telling him so he'll be pleased. | Open Subtitles | لكن علي أن أفكر في طريقة جيدة لإخباره بهذا سوف يكون مسرور. |
Someone needs to tell him that he's dead and it's time to move on. | Open Subtitles | يحتاج شخص ما لإخباره بأنّه ميت ولقد حان الوقت للإنتقال |
When a woman marries a man and doesn't bother to tell him who she is for 20 years, she's a criminal. | Open Subtitles | عندما تتزوّج إمرأة رجلاً ولا تهتمّ لإخباره من هي لـ20 عاماً، فإنّها مُجرمة. |
Can't wait to tell him some sweaty boxers saved his neck. | Open Subtitles | نعم, لا أستطيع أن أنتظر لإخباره أن بضعة ملاكمين متعرقين أنقذوا حياته |
He pays all the bartenders at the restaurant to tell him who I talk to. | Open Subtitles | دفع إلى كل عمال البار في المطعم لإخباره مع من أتكلم |
He cannot bring himself to tell him. He's tried to write... to explain, but... but he cannot bring himself to do it. | Open Subtitles | لا يستطيع الوصول له لإخباره قد حاول أن يكتب له عدة محاولات ليوضح له |
My son's coming home from a weeklong class trip, and I have to find a way to tell him that his father's dead. | Open Subtitles | ابني عائد للوطن من رحلة استمرّت أسبوعاً، وعليّ إيجاد وسيلة لإخباره أنّ والده ميّت. |
I think we should probably wait to tell him about us. | Open Subtitles | اعتقد اننا يجب ان ننتظر لإخباره عن موضوعنا. |
You need to tell him that, not me. | Open Subtitles | أنتِ بجاجة لإخباره بذلك، وليس إخباري أنا |
I leave it to you to tell him that he wasn't good enough for the big meme. | Open Subtitles | أَتْركُه إليكِ لإخباره بأنّه ما كَانَ جيد بما فيه الكفاية للوقتِ الكبيرِ. |
I just have to find the way to tell him the truth. | Open Subtitles | إنّما عليّ إيجاد الطريقة لإخباره الحقيقة. وسأفعل ذلك. |
That wasn't the way to tell him that at all. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. | Open Subtitles | لم تكن تلك الطريقة لإخباره بهذا يجب أن تخجلي من نفسك |
I can't wait to tell him my next idea. | Open Subtitles | أنا لا أَستطيع الإنتظار لإخباره بفكرتي القادمة |
I've been hearing all about you on the way over. He knows, I had to tell him. About us being Time Agents. | Open Subtitles | إنه يعرف ، فقد اضطررت لإخباره بأنناعملاءزمنيين. |
Well, that's telling him. | Open Subtitles | حسنـًا، هذا الأمر يكفي لإخباره بغضبك |
Of course Josh had to find out what was wrong with him eventually, but you were so cavalier about telling him and taking his childhood away. | Open Subtitles | بالطبع (جوش) كان لابد أن يكتشف ماهو المرض معه في النهاية لكنك كنت متعجرف جدا لإخباره والقضاء على طفولته |
I have no intention of telling him. | Open Subtitles | ليس لديّ نية لإخباره. |