The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (950401-950500)
- 127201. 's presentation
- 127205. of race and
- 127209. of the unmee military
- 127213. state party to meet
- 127217. state party to study
- 127221. state party in relation to
- 127225. state party further notes
- 127229. the state party was not able to
- 127233. the state party fails to provide
- 127237. state party has the duty to investigate
- 127241. a member state's
- 127245. the administering power on changes which
- 127249. the affected state to external assistance
- 127253. affected state to seek assistance
- 127257. a state as
- 127261. state against
- 127265. state for purposes of
- 127269. state and chairman
- 127273. two states without
- 127277. overall international
- 127281. international children's
- 127285. international astronautical congress
- 127289. and study of international
- 127293. of the ad hoc international
- 127297. international child protection
- 127202. supply and the demand
- 127206. of racial segregation and apartheid
- 127210. state party to speedily
- 127214. state party to criminalize
- 127218. state party to continue working
- 127222. the state party with regard to the
- 127226. state party further notes that
- 127230. state party has not addressed
- 127234. the state party has not established
- 127238. state party in order to
- 127242. member state or international organization
- 127246. the administering power to restore
- 127250. of the affected state to external assistance
- 127254. state responsible for an
- 127258. of a state as
- 127262. state to implement
- 127266. state for foreign affairs and cooperation of
- 127270. state and president
- 127274. the international telecommunication
- 127278. fruitful international
- 127282. international air and space
- 127286. international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
- 127290. and international or
- 127294. above-mentioned international
- 127298. of the international security and stabilization support
- 127203. the incidental
- 127207. resolved to strengthen
- 127211. state party to continue engaging
- 127215. state party to step up its efforts
- 127219. state party shall be sought at all
- 127223. state party a list
- 127227. state party is still
- 127231. state party has not raised
- 127235. state party does not have
- 127239. the state party and the special rapporteur
- 127243. which member state
- 127247. of the administering power to restore
- 127251. the affected state to seek assistance
- 127255. the colonial power
- 127259. of state b
- 127263. state in promoting
- 127267. state is responsible for the
- 127271. state in accordance with
- 127275. nineteenth international
- 127279. of successful international
- 127283. international women'
- 127287. as nelson mandela international
- 127291. difficult international
- 127295. the respective international
- 127299. international sociological
- 127204. custom or
- 127208. the minurso military
- 127212. state party to speed up
- 127216. state party to bring
- 127220. state party in its observations
- 127224. the state party prior
- 127228. of the state party to implement
- 127232. state party fails to provide
- 127236. the requested state party to
- 127240. state party and concluding observations
- 127244. state member of an international organization for
- 127248. affected state to external assistance
- 127252. of the affected state to seek assistance
- 127256. host state'
- 127260. the state to take
- 127264. the state in this
- 127268. of the state under review
- 127272. the guarantor powers
- 127276. the eighth international
- 127280. international drinking
- 127284. of the international women's
- 127288. international and multisectoral
- 127292. existing relevant international
- 127296. international war crimes
- 127300. state's international