The most frequent Portuguese words and phrases in Arabic-Portuguese corpora (227801-227900)
- 227801. sorte minha
- 227805. um buraco no chão
- 227809. turné com
- 227813. minha ronda
- 227817. joelie
- 227821. julie powell
- 227825. julian hodge
- 227829. a jolene
- 227833. goomba
- 227837. john adams
- 227841. john brandeis
- 227845. john grogan
- 227849. john reilly
- 227853. john kramer
- 227857. john mcgill
- 227861. john merdell
- 227865. juna
- 227869. o jonas quinn
- 227873. johnny martin
- 227877. gooz
- 227881. joy não
- 227885. join in the
- 227889. gsa
- 227893. gmail
- 227897. djibuti
- 227802. coveira
- 227806. desenterrámos
- 227810. tournée com
- 227814. duas missões
- 227818. jolly roger
- 227822. gilian
- 227826. julian washington
- 227830. a joleen
- 227834. gumby
- 227838. john anderton
- 227842. john preston
- 227846. o jeong jeong
- 227850. john smythe
- 227854. june cogan
- 227858. o john mcclane
- 227862. john henry thomas
- 227866. joona linna
- 227870. johner
- 227874. o jerry miller
- 227878. june carter
- 227882. joyce kim
- 227886. guinard
- 227890. gtx
- 227894. ji yeon
- 227898. jeppe
- 227803. cavado
- 227807. decorei
- 227811. uma salva de palmas
- 227815. - jules
- 227819. julie harmon
- 227823. o julien
- 227827. giuliana
- 227831. a jolinar
- 227835. jhumri
- 227839. pobre john
- 227843. john paul
- 227847. john dee
- 227851. john cutter
- 227855. john q
- 227859. do john malkovich
- 227863. john hughes
- 227867. jonathan cold
- 227871. o johnson estava
- 227875. johnny wadd
- 227879. o joe mills
- 227883. jewell
- 227887. gwendolyn
- 227891. gw
- 227895. giancarlo
- 227899. sinusal
- 227804. outro buraco
- 227808. memorizaste
- 227812. gault
- 227816. o jolinar
- 227820. a julie e a mary
- 227824. julian randol
- 227828. guylène
- 227832. - juliet
- 227836. gomu gomu no
- 227840. john barnett
- 227844. john bell
- 227848. john denver
- 227852. john crowley
- 227856. john lowe
- 227860. john mostow
- 227864. john woo
- 227868. jonathan mcquarry
- 227872. johnny jaqobis
- 227876. gohar
- 227880. joey salucci
- 227884. joel matthews
- 227888. jey
- 227892. o jd
- 227896. geber
- 227900. jetlink