الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (669201-669300)
- 162001. the npm should
- 162005. and falls within category iii
- 162009. influences the
- 162013. to play an important role in
- 162017. reaffirms the inalienable right of
- 162021. is exercising
- 162025. and to respond to the
- 162029. and the management committee
- 162033. she also noted that
- 162037. france noted that
- 162041. the shan state
- 162045. and canton of geneva
- 162049. as well as initiatives
- 162053. border services agency
- 162057. value was
- 162061. well as all acts of
- 162065. as i informed
- 162069. and its entities
- 162073. especially the convention on
- 162077. addressed to you by mehmet
- 162081. technology suppliers
- 162085. musoni
- 162089. the subject of space debris
- 162093. the port of umm qasr
- 162097. associate ourselves
- 162002. the international community should provide
- 162006. the agreement provides
- 162010. is taken of
- 162014. emphasizes that unfpa
- 162018. supported the efforts of
- 162022. begins at
- 162026. to enable him to submit a
- 162030. and the investments committee
- 162034. italy noted
- 162038. mandates of peacekeeping missions
- 162042. the mandate of onub
- 162046. as a general guidance
- 162050. as well as areas
- 162054. the panel was
- 162058. in particular those of developed countries
- 162062. as all acts of violence
- 162066. as at previous sessions
- 162070. by the under-secretary-general for management
- 162074. in particular respect for
- 162078. are directed towards
- 162082. suppliers within
- 162086. put into effect
- 162090. the subject of violence against
- 162094. minas gerais
- 162098. associate ourselves with
- 162003. special rapporteur awaits more precise information to
- 162007. and stipulates
- 162011. in turn leads
- 162015. emphasizes that unfpa needs
- 162019. supported that
- 162023. the amendment shall enter into force
- 162027. to enable him to submit a report
- 162031. and the committee on contributions
- 162035. algeria noted that
- 162039. mission's mandate and concept
- 162043. the mandate of the human rights council
- 162047. it is often
- 162051. as well as the observers
- 162055. it had before it a memorandum by
- 162059. was reiterated
- 162063. well as all acts of violence
- 162067. as is clear from
- 162071. under-secretary-general and executive director
- 162075. should summarize the discussions
- 162079. the assets of the debtor
- 162083. mauritania in
- 162087. topic of reservations
- 162091. the subject of the dispute
- 162095. menéndez
- 162099. deputy attorney general
- 162004. and in violation of
- 162008. it provides for
- 162012. in turn leads to
- 162016. reaffirms the inalienable right
- 162020. in favour of the motion
- 162024. the amendment shall enter into force on
- 162028. and for providing
- 162032. oios observed that
- 162036. chile noted
- 162040. protection mandate
- 162044. and canton of
- 162048. as well as programmes
- 162052. as well as the observers for
- 162056. it had before it the draft
- 162060. as all acts of
- 162064. their agents
- 162068. côte d'ivoire and haiti
- 162072. as basis for the court
- 162076. summary or arbitrary executions that
- 162080. a supplier or
- 162084. moscow regional military
- 162088. topic of reservations to
- 162092. melescanu
- 162096. mihnea ioan motoc
- 162100. of the deputy high commissioner