The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (781001-781100)
- 273801. of core international human rights
- 273805. universally recognized international
- 273809. the authority in the establishment
- 273813. essential goods such as
- 273817. of goods of strategic significance
- 273821. advances are
- 273825. of salvadoran
- 273829. peaceful and legal
- 273833. common feature
- 273837. previous calendar year
- 273841. the fifth year from
- 273845. international year of human rights learning
- 273849. financial year ended
- 273853. the year with
- 273857. the coming three years
- 273861. twenty-third annual
- 273865. fifty-fifth anniversary
- 273869. projected annual
- 273873. the sudan and south sudan to
- 273877. national market
- 273881. international sovereignty
- 273885. of sovereignty in
- 273889. social policies and from the
- 273893. the key policy
- 273897. policies adopted with
- 273802. international governmental and
- 273806. of appropriate international
- 273810. the authority in connection
- 273814. consumption goods
- 273818. of goods and services to
- 273822. advances issued
- 273826. pfos and
- 273830. peaceful conduct
- 273834. illicit brokering of small arms and
- 273838. the year commencing on
- 273842. of the fifth year from
- 273846. the international literacy year
- 273850. the fiscal year ended
- 273854. the remaining two years
- 273858. the past twenty years
- 273862. annual department
- 273866. fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the
- 273870. sudan after
- 273874. sudan and egypt
- 273878. the israeli technical fence
- 273882. national sovereignty and diversity
- 273886. sovereignty and self-determination
- 273890. social policies and from the benefits
- 273894. of policies designed
- 273898. pro-poor policies
- 273803. the necessary international
- 273807. the authority granted
- 273811. authority and mismanagement
- 273815. of cultural goods
- 273819. military goods and services
- 273823. advances paid
- 273827. the diplomatic corps and
- 273831. responsible conduct
- 273835. legal age of criminal responsibility
- 273839. its second year of
- 273843. the fifth year from the date of
- 273847. the judicial year
- 273851. the year then ended
- 273855. three years preceding
- 273859. the forthcoming years
- 273863. annual ngo
- 273867. fiftieth anniversary of the organization
- 273871. the sudan and the democratic republic
- 273875. of the free syrian
- 273879. tourism or
- 273883. of national sovereignty and diversity
- 273887. vehicles rented
- 273891. environmental policies in
- 273895. policies to achieve
- 273899. policies aimed at reducing
- 273804. the above-mentioned international
- 273808. the authority to pay
- 273812. the authority and
- 273816. goods produced in
- 273820. goods and products
- 273824. el salvador has
- 273828. peace and achieving
- 273832. unlawful conduct
- 273836. the following year of
- 273840. new year'
- 273844. international year of natural fibres
- 273848. current financial year
- 273852. the reported year
- 273856. the preceding three years
- 273860. recent years of
- 273864. third anniversary of
- 273868. seventieth anniversary of the
- 273872. the sudan and the democratic republic of
- 273876. consumer market
- 273880. of child sex tourism
- 273884. the sovereignty of the falkland islands unless
- 273888. social policies and from
- 273892. the new policies
- 273896. integrated policy
- 273900. and national policy