The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (851201-851300)
- 28001. and interrogation of
- 28005. and use of common services
- 28009. and retrieve
- 28013. and to promote in
- 28017. and that the office of
- 28021. while allowing for
- 28025. recognizing the need to further
- 28029. underlining also the importance of
- 28033. underlining the importance of education in
- 28037. recalling also the report
- 28041. recalling the provisions of the convention
- 28045. recalling the united nations declaration
- 28049. recalling previous resolutions
- 28053. recalling further the articles
- 28057. bearing in mind the report
- 28061. and acknowledging the constitution agreed
- 28065. expressing deep concern regarding the growing
- 28069. reaffirming the rio declaration
- 28073. reaffirming the absolute validity
- 28077. reaffirming further that all
- 28081. noting the fact that
- 28085. noting that numerous instruments
- 28089. noting the desire of the
- 28093. noting with satisfaction the efforts of
- 28097. and noting with concern that
- 28002. and unemployment benefits
- 28006. and the use of violence
- 28010. and take into account the
- 28014. well as to consider the
- 28018. and plan and perform the audit
- 28022. while allowing for the
- 28026. recognizing the value of
- 28030. emphasizing that all
- 28034. recalling also that one
- 28038. recalling also the international conference
- 28042. recalling that the general assembly
- 28046. recalling the united nations declaration on the
- 28050. recalling the goal
- 28054. and bearing in mind that migration enriches
- 28058. bearing in mind the report of
- 28062. expressing its satisfaction that the
- 28066. conscious of the particular vulnerability
- 28070. reaffirming the rio declaration on
- 28074. reaffirming the absolute validity of
- 28078. recognizing the role of the commission on
- 28082. noting that the last visiting mission
- 28086. noting the progress made
- 28090. further noting that
- 28094. noting with appreciation the entry
- 28098. calling upon all the
- 28003. and the use of the internet
- 28007. the use of information technology
- 28011. and should seek
- 28015. well as to consider the option
- 28019. and that there was a
- 28023. while allowing for the coherent
- 28027. and encouraging all nuclear-weapon states
- 28031. underlining the fact that it
- 28035. recalling also that one of
- 28039. recalling also the decision
- 28043. recalling that states
- 28047. recalling the declaration of principles
- 28051. recalling further the doha declaration
- 28055. mindful also that some
- 28059. acknowledging the need for
- 28063. expressing its satisfaction that the parties
- 28067. reaffirming also that the
- 28071. reaffirming the rio declaration on environment
- 28075. reaffirming the outcome document
- 28079. reiterating its call upon states
- 28083. noting that the preparation
- 28087. and noting the need
- 28091. noting further that the
- 28095. noting with appreciation the determination
- 28099. calling upon all the parties
- 28004. and use data
- 28008. and the nairobi
- 28012. and that the promotion
- 28016. and that its implementation
- 28020. and that it address the points
- 28024. and shall participate in discussions and
- 28028. underlining also the importance
- 28032. underlining the fact that it is
- 28036. recalling also the convention
- 28040. recalling also the outcomes of all
- 28044. recalling that paragraph
- 28048. and recalling the international covenants on
- 28052. recalling further security council resolution
- 28056. and mindful of the need to
- 28060. and acknowledging the constitution
- 28064. deploring practices of
- 28068. reaffirming the declaration on
- 28072. reaffirming the declaration on principles
- 28076. and reaffirming the need for
- 28080. reiterating its call upon states to review
- 28084. noting that the preparation of
- 28088. and noting the need to
- 28092. and noting with satisfaction the
- 28096. noting with appreciation the determination of
- 28100. strongly convinced that the continuation