The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (997601-997700)
- 174401. guarantee the exercise of
- 174405. credit guarantees
- 174409. adequate safeguards against
- 174413. to include adequate human rights guarantees in
- 174417. within the bounds of the
- 174421. implied in
- 174425. the light of any explanations or statements
- 174429. light of general recommendation
- 174433. the light of the covenant
- 174437. the light of decisions
- 174441. necessities of the service
- 174445. should devise
- 174449. necessity of respecting
- 174453. necessity of maintaining
- 174457. need to address this
- 174461. need for a distinction to
- 174465. necessity that unifil
- 174469. need to enhance coordination
- 174473. need for resolving the problem of the
- 174477. should be brought to the
- 174481. need to ensure the unity
- 174485. need to disseminate
- 174489. the light of some
- 174493. light of draft article
- 174497. access controls
- 174402. safeguard and protect the rights
- 174406. guarantees of the due process
- 174410. include adequate human rights guarantees
- 174414. safeguards to ensure
- 174418. under the authority of the prosecutor
- 174422. the light of the provisions of article
- 174426. the light of the relevant provisions of
- 174430. view of the anticipated increase
- 174434. light of international law
- 174438. taxes of
- 174442. human rights imperative
- 174446. international community should devise
- 174450. need to respect the sovereignty
- 174454. need to continuously improve standards
- 174458. need to address this issue
- 174462. need for a distinction to be
- 174466. necessity that unifil have
- 174470. need to enhance coordination of
- 174474. need to protect the rights
- 174478. need to hold
- 174482. need to address this concern
- 174486. essential in all fields of
- 174490. light of the definition
- 174494. the light of this conclusion
- 174498. new controls
- 174403. security guarantees for
- 174407. against the threat
- 174411. to include adequate human rights guarantees
- 174415. within category i
- 174419. within the range of
- 174423. the light of any explanations
- 174427. light of its obligations under
- 174431. view of the anticipated increase in
- 174435. the light of new information
- 174439. a blow to
- 174443. need for it to
- 174447. need to end it
- 174451. need for respect and preservation of the
- 174455. necessity of easing
- 174459. need for cooperation through the
- 174463. need to maintain a
- 174467. necessity that unifil have at
- 174471. need to diversify
- 174475. need to link the
- 174479. need for governments to
- 174483. need to combat corruption
- 174487. view of the successful
- 174491. the light of the status of
- 174495. view of these considerations
- 174499. stringent controls
- 174404. security assurances from
- 174408. insufficient guarantees
- 174412. include adequate human rights guarantees in
- 174416. within categories i
- 174420. within the sphere
- 174424. the light of any explanations or
- 174428. light of recent developments in
- 174432. the light of changing circumstances
- 174436. the light of information received
- 174440. irreparable damage
- 174444. need for states to enhance
- 174448. need to undertake
- 174452. necessity of reviewing
- 174456. necessity of easing international tension and strengthening
- 174460. need for cooperation through the sharing
- 174464. need to strengthen further international cooperation
- 174468. need for concerted
- 174472. need to expand the
- 174476. need for increased transparency
- 174480. need for unicef
- 174484. need to combat such crimes
- 174488. light of the programme of
- 174492. the light of the status of documentation
- 174496. national export controls
- 174500. adequate controls over budget