"بأنّه" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • he
    • that it
    • it was
    • it would
    • they
    • we
    • that I
    • that as
    • the offeror
    Ma'am, we think it was a student volunteer with a pal at HHS, but he's gone now. Open Subtitles سيدتي، نَعتقدُ بأنّه كَانَ طالب متطوّعِ مَع زميل في إتش إتش إس، لَكنَّه ذهب الآن.
    I'm telling you, he said he can't do it without you. Open Subtitles إنّني أخبرك لقد قال بأنّه لا يستطيع فعل هذا بدونك
    Maybe he thought he was creating a diversion, maybe he didn't expect people to be there, but they were. Open Subtitles ربّما كان يظنّ بأنّه يصنع إلهاءاً ربّما لمْ يتوقّع وجود أشخاص و لكنّهم كانوا موجودين, أناس أبرياء
    Well, technically, I think he was pretty much dead before they started divvying up the body parts. Open Subtitles حسنٌ، في الحقيقة أعتقد بأنّه كان ميتاً .. قبل أن يقوموا بإخراج أجزاء جسمه ..
    they remember nothing except that it was extremely satisfying. Open Subtitles يتذكّرون لا شيء ماعدا بأنّه كان يرضي جدا.
    he said it's the only place he can go. No. Open Subtitles قال بأنّه المكان الوحيد الذي يمكنه اللجوء إليه ..
    You think he's got any reason to suspect you? Open Subtitles تعتقدين بأنّه لديه سببٌ مقنع ليشكّ فيكِ ؟
    And he gave no indication that he might be in danger? Open Subtitles وهو ما أعطىَ أي إشارةِ بأنّه قَدْ يَكُونُ في الخطرِ؟
    I thought he was a cousin, but apparently not. Open Subtitles ظننت بأنّه قريب، ولكنّ اتضح بأنّه ليس كذلك
    Although I don't think he ever did get around to obeying her. Open Subtitles مع ذلك لا أعتقد بأنّه قد أطاعها في شيءٍ قطّ ..
    Vernon said he made sure that Emma always set it, especially when he was out of town. Open Subtitles فيرنون قالَ بأنّه جَعلَ متأكّدة بأن إيما وَضعتْها دائماً، خصوصاً عندما هو كَانَ خارج البلدةِ.
    Someone told me he hadn't checked in with his parole officer. Open Subtitles أحدهُم قالي لي بأنّه لم يتحدث مع الضابْط المسؤول عنه.
    I'm convinced he's ignorant of what has happened here. Open Subtitles إنّني موقِن بأنّه جاهل بما هوَ حاصِل هُنا
    To think he would do something like this to a 10-year-old girl. Open Subtitles أن تفكر بأنّه قد يفعل شيئاً كذلك بفتاةٍ عمرها 10 أعوام
    he thinks he's comparing IQ tests against the public record. Open Subtitles يعتقد بأنّه يقارن إختبارات معامل الذّكاء ضدّ السجل العامّ.
    he thought it would look good in his pickup truck. Open Subtitles إعتقدَ بأنّه إبدُ في حالة جيّدة في شاحنته الصغيرة.
    So, he was exactly where he said he was. Open Subtitles لذا، هو كَانَ بالضبط حيث قالَ بأنّه كَانَ.
    I guess he's probably heard his share of Kenny stories. Open Subtitles أَحْزرُ بأنّه يُسْمَعُ من المحتمل سهمه مِنْ قصصِ كيني.
    Just because it's different doesn't mean that it can't work. Open Subtitles فقط لأنه مختلفُ لا يَعْني بأنّه لا يَستطيعُ العَمَل.
    The fact that it didn't kill you tonight means something. Open Subtitles الحقيقة بأنّه لم يقتلك اللّيلة بأي شيء أو وسيلة.
    it was recalled that both domestic and international tribunals were regularly required to ascertain the intention of States. UN وجرى التذكير بأنّه يُطلب بانتظام من المحاكم المحلية والدولية على حد سواء التأكد من نية الدول.
    At school, they used to say I could turn a woman gay. Open Subtitles في المدرسة ، كانوا يقولون بأنّه يمكنني أن أجعل المرأة سحاقيّة
    Sir, I think we should send our boat to Pakistani waters. Open Subtitles سيدي، أعتقد بأنّه يجب علينا إرسال زورقنا إلى المياه الباكستانية
    Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad? Open Subtitles هَلْ تَعتقدُ بأنّه حظ اني أَعْرفُ تلك الأغنية الشعبيةِ؟
    for the last three years my fiance has promised that as soon as his mother passed on, he would do right by me and"... Open Subtitles لثلاث سنوات وخطيبي يعدني بأنّه حالّما تموت والدته بأنّه سيعتني بي
    4. Paragraph (2) provides that a reply with immaterial modifications of the offer constitutes an acceptance unless the offeror notifies the offeree without undue delay that the offeror objects to the modifications. UN 4- تنصّ الفقرة (2) على أنّ الرد الذي يجري تعديلات غير موضوعيّة على الإيجاب يشكّل قبولاً ما لم يبلّغ الموجِب الموجب لـه دون تأخير غير مبرّر بأنّه يعترض على التعديلات.

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