Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (228201-228300)
- 228201. our appreciation of
- 228205. report of the standing committee of the
- 228209. a supplementary item in
- 228213. aim of increasing
- 228217. the resource allocation
- 228221. welcomes with appreciation the
- 228225. discriminatory measures
- 228229. global database
- 228233. statement of income and expenditure and
- 228237. between the individual
- 228241. sell or
- 228245. require further
- 228249. are designed to
- 228253. provide the observer mission with the
- 228257. a significant challenge
- 228261. improve implementation of
- 228265. the exchange of information among
- 228269. be taken of
- 228273. voluntary contributions from the government of
- 228277. was grateful to
- 228281. methane emissions
- 228285. the facts as submitted by the
- 228289. polluter pays
- 228293. of chlorinated
- 228297. of confiscated property
- 228202. submission to the
- 228206. from the recommendations
- 228210. of a supplementary item in
- 228214. to this item
- 228218. were subject
- 228222. alleviation of poverty
- 228226. collective measures
- 228230. adequate data
- 228234. indicate what measures
- 228238. between the palestinians
- 228242. between the united nations and civil society
- 228246. under general operating expenses
- 228250. post adjustments
- 228254. will help to achieve
- 228258. identifying problems
- 228262. improved monitoring of
- 228266. exchange of good practices
- 228270. tarasov
- 228274. international agency for research on cancer
- 228278. the previous mandate
- 228282. the state party's attention to
- 228286. mother-to-child transmission of
- 228290. rapporteur on new complaints and interim measures
- 228294. current staffing
- 228298. special representative on the
- 228203. decided by the committee
- 228207. from the recommendations of
- 228211. agenda item paragraphs
- 228215. bangladesh to
- 228219. flow of international trade
- 228223. improvement measures
- 228227. joint measures
- 228231. peter piot
- 228235. statement dated
- 228239. between who
- 228243. between the economic commission
- 228247. provide the author with an
- 228251. nine persons
- 228255. the movements of
- 228259. of achieving sustainable development
- 228263. improving the effectiveness of the methods
- 228267. term beginning at
- 228271. each state party shall take the
- 228275. the two agencies
- 228279. of criminal jurisdiction
- 228283. the proliferation of wmd
- 228287. a flagrant violation of international law and
- 228291. the special rapporteur on the human right
- 228295. of practitioners
- 228299. special representative of the commission on
- 228204. fourth assessment report of
- 228208. bint nasser
- 228212. item proposed by
- 228216. of bujumbura
- 228220. translate into
- 228224. reprioritization
- 228228. the committee shall include in
- 228232. transit environment in
- 228236. among males
- 228240. between new york and washington
- 228244. would be referred
- 228248. attesting to
- 228252. promoting investment
- 228256. analysis and evaluation
- 228260. improving its working methods
- 228264. exchange of operational information
- 228268. their efforts to contribute to the
- 228272. voluntary contributions from the government
- 228276. unicef and its partners
- 228280. abstained in
- 228284. maternal and infant mortality
- 228288. of posters
- 228292. national statistical offices and
- 228296. ipsas-compliant
- 228300. the high representative in