الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (132401-132500)
- 132401. viii of the united nations charter
- 132405. protection of united nations personnel
- 132409. comply with the provisions
- 132413. and internal security
- 132417. of the secretary-general for western sahara
- 132421. of african governments
- 132425. sustainable use of natural resources
- 132429. weapons and explosives
- 132433. united nations public information
- 132437. end of the second world war
- 132441. men in the
- 132445. all acts of terrorism
- 132449. to ignore
- 132453. human rights dimensions
- 132457. my concern
- 132461. united nations for the biennium
- 132465. others who
- 132469. in the financial period
- 132473. at the fifty-fourth session
- 132477. the evidence base
- 132481. reflected in the relevant summary record
- 132485. to the cause
- 132489. on the competence
- 132493. in poznan
- 132497. in organizing the
- 132402. nine times
- 132406. nations response
- 132410. a nuclear weapons
- 132414. is the last
- 132418. for their children
- 132422. of the last sentence
- 132426. from jail
- 132430. fernandez
- 132434. nations peace
- 132438. human rights component
- 132442. eu countries
- 132446. from being
- 132450. of the votes
- 132454. refrain from the
- 132458. without knowing
- 132462. the security and safety service
- 132466. in a given year
- 132470. to dispose
- 132474. bill on
- 132478. in the final document of the
- 132482. in the solicitation documents
- 132486. in las
- 132490. on the competence of
- 132494. in all provinces
- 132498. in the implementation of the plan of
- 132403. the right track
- 132407. rainer
- 132411. was founded
- 132415. religious and ethnic
- 132419. third united nations conference on the law
- 132423. this new
- 132427. the rocket
- 132431. for testing
- 132435. the membership of the united nations
- 132439. classified information
- 132443. devi
- 132447. household surveys
- 132451. one-way
- 132455. his innocence
- 132459. the secretary-general to transmit to
- 132463. through the united nations system
- 132467. in a number of instances
- 132471. in processes
- 132475. legal and regulatory framework
- 132479. in kuwait or
- 132483. in the area of investment
- 132487. in the negotiating process
- 132491. in assisting states
- 132495. in receiving
- 132499. their possession
- 132404. of the secretary-general concerning
- 132408. of america regarding the headquarters
- 132412. report of the secretary-general on the strengthening
- 132416. establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone in
- 132420. the field of human rights in
- 132424. the forty-seventh session of the
- 132428. tends to
- 132432. mentioned that
- 132436. betts
- 132440. last plenary
- 132444. the chairperson on activities undertaken
- 132448. in medicine
- 132452. and the organization of american states
- 132456. on the preparations for
- 132460. in cooperation with the territorial government
- 132464. dean of
- 132468. at the opening meeting
- 132472. in the column
- 132476. cyprus to
- 132480. in banja luka
- 132484. in advocacy
- 132488. in gao
- 132492. in the cases of
- 132496. in those states
- 132500. external affairs of cuba