الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (639301-639400)
- 132101. the context of trade liberalization
- 132105. the context of the doha round
- 132109. one will be taken up
- 132113. sedhai's
- 132117. host-country authorities
- 132121. its juridical authorities
- 132125. exceptional authority
- 132129. judicial authority of
- 132133. of its power under article
- 132137. conduct of all
- 132141. only assets which
- 132145. would be authorized
- 132149. rule of law in countering terrorism
- 132153. their full sovereignty over their territory
- 132157. occupation policies
- 132161. of social development policies
- 132165. human settlements policies
- 132169. withdrawal of an objection to a reservation
- 132173. saddam dam
- 132177. and around sarajevo
- 132181. his excellency joseph
- 132185. the effective interest
- 132189. user-friendly in
- 132193. both in the context
- 132197. whether submitted
- 132102. the context of his next progress report
- 132106. the context of the right of
- 132110. business women
- 132114. a series of proposals
- 132118. planning authorities
- 132122. sultan and
- 132126. state authority in the
- 132130. limited authority
- 132134. predecessor of
- 132138. soukeyna
- 132142. only items
- 132146. rule of law or
- 132150. rule of law in kosovo
- 132154. of their full sovereignty over their territory
- 132158. of structural adjustment policies on
- 132162. alternative development policies
- 132166. of competition policies
- 132170. withdraw the reservation
- 132174. reimbursement for services
- 132178. gives an account of
- 132182. storage capacity
- 132186. the exchange rate of the
- 132190. user-friendly in all
- 132194. both with regard to
- 132198. satellites of
- 132103. the course of implementing
- 132107. the context of this report
- 132111. the cop will be invited to consider
- 132115. two series of
- 132119. paraguayan authorities
- 132123. authority or judicial body
- 132127. authority of the special representative
- 132131. his discretion in making exceptions to allow
- 132135. salvador atenco
- 132139. somare
- 132143. only eight
- 132147. the rule of law in the country
- 132151. the rule of law and justice
- 132155. redistributive policies
- 132159. economic adjustment policies arising from foreign debt
- 132163. of energy policies
- 132167. budgetary policies
- 132171. withdrawing such
- 132175. reimbursement for contingent-owned equipment
- 132179. breast and cervical cancer
- 132183. rate of exchange as
- 132187. 's pursuit
- 132191. user-friendly in all official languages
- 132195. as regards both the
- 132199. sotaniemi
- 132104. a new context
- 132108. the general assembly will have to
- 132112. sydney in
- 132116. federation authorities
- 132120. wide powers
- 132124. power to issue
- 132128. the dra
- 132132. of its power under
- 132136. slovenia to the
- 132140. sumyai
- 132144. switzerland and france
- 132148. rule of law in countering
- 132152. the sovereignty of all
- 132156. european union policies
- 132160. policies of racial discrimination and segregation and
- 132164. settlements policies
- 132168. promotion policies
- 132172. withdraws the reservation
- 132176. sirodjidin
- 132180. his excellency george wilfred
- 132184. the exchange rate between
- 132188. facilities seeking to obtain
- 132192. either at the
- 132196. both prior
- 132200. sordzi