الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (664401-664500)
- 157201. of young migrants
- 157205. nongovernmental organizations that
- 157209. of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements
- 157213. the european organization for nuclear research in
- 157217. of the organization on the question of
- 157221. established by general assembly
- 157225. of legal publications
- 157229. provided for in annex
- 157233. applicable to security rights
- 157237. the region to which
- 157241. eighth military region
- 157245. the discussions subsequently held between tokelau
- 157249. relevant discussions
- 157253. the above discussion
- 157257. intergovernmental platform
- 157261. agricultural products and textiles and clothing from
- 157265. toxic and hazardous products and wastes
- 157269. the region in this
- 157273. by member organizations
- 157277. relevant humanitarian organizations
- 157281. of the following intergovernmental organizations
- 157285. relevant international organisations
- 157289. international organizations from
- 157293. organizations listed
- 157297. permanent forum also
- 157202. ngos also
- 157206. specialized ngos
- 157210. other organizations and agencies
- 157214. international maritime organization in
- 157218. installations and structures
- 157222. established to consider
- 157226. publications on the
- 157230. enshrined in the international covenant
- 157234. applying to the
- 157238. the forest area
- 157242. the area opposite
- 157246. the discussions subsequently held between tokelau and
- 157250. discussions and answer questions concerning the report
- 157254. school curricula at all
- 157258. traditional products
- 157262. equity products
- 157266. the region to promote cooperation
- 157270. the region and to
- 157274. member organizations in response to
- 157278. international economic organizations
- 157282. of international organizations or
- 157286. relevant international organizations in
- 157290. church organizations
- 157294. similar organizations
- 157298. global platform for
- 157203. the following nongovernmental organizations
- 157207. ngos in consultative relationship with
- 157211. organization more
- 157215. executive organization
- 157219. established for the
- 157223. amphetamine-type stimulants in
- 157227. methodological publications
- 157231. stated in the letter of
- 157235. the region also
- 157239. the forest area which
- 157243. the central region of
- 157247. ongoing discussions on the
- 157251. the discussion which
- 157255. of anti-government
- 157259. of wood products
- 157263. of palestinian products
- 157267. the area on the marine environment
- 157271. the dispositif
- 157275. regional and global organizations
- 157279. organizations that have
- 157283. international organizations that are members of
- 157287. international organizations in this
- 157291. the volunteer organizations
- 157295. of producer
- 157299. the fifth world water forum
- 157204. of ngos that
- 157208. non-governmental organizations and others
- 157212. the organization into
- 157216. international organization not
- 157220. established to elaborate
- 157224. published in the official journal
- 157228. publications and documentation
- 157232. provided for in the charter of the
- 157236. the cyprus exclusive economic zone
- 157240. the northern area
- 157244. the discussions subsequently held
- 157248. focused discussions
- 157252. assembly's general debate
- 157256. treaty-based and
- 157260. farm produce
- 157264. end products
- 157268. the region in the area of
- 157272. organizations or agencies
- 157276. regional and subregional organizations in matters
- 157280. bilateral organizations
- 157284. international organizations operating in
- 157288. of international organizations such as
- 157292. of community organizations
- 157296. the world social forum
- 157300. fourth global forum