الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (489201-489300)
- 489201. the different bodies
- 489205. different manifestations of
- 489209. the melanesian spearhead group
- 489213. the human rights council or
- 489217. of the cabinet of ministers of
- 489221. total exports of
- 489225. other ad hoc
- 489229. tide of
- 489233. of two regional groups
- 489237. an effort to reduce
- 489241. israeli high court of justice
- 489245. a tribunal of
- 489249. systems analyst
- 489253. muhamed
- 489257. risks and effects
- 489261. the benghazi appeals court
- 489265. specialized agencies and proposals
- 489269. the second regular session of the unicef
- 489273. of their residents
- 489277. the special annual contribution from
- 489281. of international problems
- 489285. living and related
- 489289. to advance the implementation
- 489293. temporary international presence
- 489297. of the temporary international presence in
- 489202. different units
- 489206. product groups
- 489210. a consistent set
- 489214. the human rights council pursuant to
- 489218. the council of ministers of the
- 489222. focus groups
- 489226. outline and
- 489230. deliberations by
- 489234. basrah governorate
- 489238. the state court of bosnia
- 489242. the provincial court
- 489246. rwanda tribunal
- 489250. information analysts
- 489254. mohamed ezzeldin
- 489258. fixed term
- 489262. a mediation
- 489266. specialized agencies and proposals for
- 489270. took no
- 489274. of the committee's discussion of
- 489278. for the special annual contribution from
- 489282. for the internally displaced
- 489286. of living and related factors
- 489290. to advance the status
- 489294. the temporary international presence
- 489298. the temporary international presence in hebron
- 489203. various resolutions of
- 489207. american group
- 489211. a consistent set of
- 489215. of the iaea board of governors
- 489219. total resources requested
- 489223. material stocks
- 489227. camp and
- 489231. duration of detention
- 489235. prosecutions of
- 489239. the police court
- 489243. the united states court
- 489247. the moscow city court
- 489251. additional local
- 489255. plight of the palestinian people
- 489259. resource limitations
- 489263. of the final status of western sahara
- 489267. session of the unicef
- 489271. has been unable to find
- 489275. for the forum
- 489279. the special annual contribution from the government
- 489283. to national reconciliation
- 489287. to consider its proposed programme of work
- 489291. to advance the status of
- 489295. of the temporary international presence
- 489299. of the temporary international presence in hebron
- 489204. various levels of education
- 489208. the set of recommendations
- 489212. set of measures
- 489216. the icao council
- 489220. total staff costs
- 489224. allocations for the
- 489228. beach camp
- 489232. a wide range of organizations
- 489236. attempts by the
- 489240. respect for the international court of justice
- 489244. a permanent court
- 489248. lieu of notice
- 489252. muhammad ahmad
- 489256. of the world's oceans
- 489260. the united nations dispute tribunal and
- 489264. for disaster prevention
- 489268. second regular session of the unicef
- 489272. resistance army
- 489276. to help promote
- 489280. for effective participation in
- 489284. for the integrated treatment of
- 489288. of nuclear or radioactive wastes
- 489292. of the prosecution service
- 489296. the temporary international presence in
- 489300. for staff holding