الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (660401-660500)
- 153201. a phone call from
- 153205. almost everyone
- 153209. this will not be
- 153213. is michael
- 153217. and deceit
- 153221. the kidneys
- 153225. extreme caution
- 153229. organs and institutions
- 153233. collaboration with other agencies
- 153237. of individuals and institutions
- 153241. of the newsletter
- 153245. and violence within the family
- 153249. and individuals under international law
- 153253. the current scale of assessments
- 153257. the reduction of criminality
- 153261. member states to undertake additional
- 153265. related social
- 153269. the secretary-general and the under-secretary-general
- 153273. the activities described in
- 153277. regulations concerning the
- 153281. the secretary-general of progress to that
- 153285. of the staff assessment
- 153289. respond effectively to the requests
- 153293. the integrated regional
- 153297. the legislative basis for
- 153202. from friends
- 153206. we can now
- 153210. that ability
- 153214. he found himself
- 153218. and words
- 153222. bigger picture
- 153226. whole truth
- 153230. the remaining provisions of
- 153234. more advanced countries
- 153238. human right derived from the
- 153242. for the permanent secretariat
- 153246. the relevant regional and international organizations
- 153250. wages and
- 153254. first sentence of the
- 153258. georgian and the abkhaz
- 153262. member states to undertake additional efforts
- 153266. the nineteenth annual meeting
- 153270. statistical activities of
- 153274. activities arising
- 153278. secretary-general to examine
- 153282. political openness
- 153286. overall stability
- 153290. account in the preparation
- 153294. other persons who
- 153298. shanty
- 153203. most parents
- 153207. south korea and japan
- 153211. of time before
- 153215. defense secretary
- 153219. main engines
- 153223. time of the year
- 153227. to them by the security council
- 153231. second periodic reports of states parties
- 153235. the reminder
- 153239. from camp
- 153243. major united nations conferences and
- 153247. and ethiopians
- 153251. and states members of the united nations
- 153255. of the other rights
- 153259. republican army
- 153263. recent session
- 153267. the world conservation union
- 153271. activities undertaken by the united nations
- 153275. of activities within the united nations system
- 153279. the secretary-general aimed at
- 153283. revised proposal submitted by the
- 153287. fdi is
- 153291. overall united nations reform
- 153295. persons resident in
- 153299. tariff preferences
- 153204. from a trip
- 153208. carbon tax
- 153212. a hindu
- 153216. and a car
- 153220. the common denominator
- 153224. that lives
- 153228. international dimensions of
- 153232. the progress made so far in
- 153236. as united nations high commissioner
- 153240. of positive results
- 153244. such as human rights commissions
- 153248. and songs
- 153252. regional efforts aimed at
- 153256. ancient civilizations
- 153260. the member states of the council
- 153264. of the convention on the safety of
- 153268. currency union
- 153272. united nations and the various
- 153276. activities in this sector are
- 153280. the secretary-general contained in paragraph
- 153284. of new economic
- 153288. fdi and trade
- 153292. civil administration of
- 153296. of the weekly
- 153300. premises and accommodation