The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (471301-471400)
- 471301. to discuss measures
- 471305. united nations offices away from headquarters
- 471309. to fight organized crime
- 471313. to combat the smuggling of
- 471317. for language staff
- 471321. will be accepted
- 471325. the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organization in
- 471329. to prevent and eliminate
- 471333. of the principle of complementarity
- 471337. principle of non-interference in
- 471341. what appeared to be
- 471345. maradiaga
- 471349. finance and financing mechanisms
- 471353. of the principles of international cultural cooperation
- 471357. the bangalore principles of judicial
- 471361. important guidelines
- 471365. united nations reform initiatives
- 471369. the education for all initiative
- 471373. non-proliferation and disarmament initiative
- 471377. directly to the council
- 471381. arrears under the terms
- 471385. follow up on the implementation of the
- 471389. unless it has received and
- 471393. the post-referendum
- 471397. such as an
- 471302. to discuss developments
- 471306. to combat trafficking of
- 471310. cancer control
- 471314. to keep abreast
- 471318. for their staff
- 471322. will only be
- 471326. to prevent any interference
- 471330. to it pursuant to
- 471334. the principle of sustainable development
- 471338. what types of
- 471342. what constitutes a
- 471346. mazilu
- 471350. of finance and financing mechanisms
- 471354. the unidroit principles
- 471358. the bangalore principles of judicial conduct
- 471362. five rome principles
- 471366. improvement initiatives
- 471370. bamako initiative
- 471374. african information society initiative
- 471378. a new permanent building on
- 471382. arrears under the terms of
- 471386. follow-up to the monterrey consensus
- 471390. percentage of the total
- 471394. average expenditure
- 471398. such as the importance
- 471303. to discuss the question of
- 471307. against illicit drug trafficking
- 471311. to combat racism and racial discrimination and
- 471315. to keep abreast of
- 471319. would not be available
- 471323. will not have
- 471327. the reproductive cloning of human
- 471331. was more of a
- 471335. principle of equal remuneration
- 471339. what procedures are
- 471343. article by article
- 471347. madi
- 471351. of managua
- 471355. the bangalore principles
- 471359. ethical guidelines
- 471363. the principles and purposes of the
- 471367. the global reporting initiative
- 471371. of the bamako initiative
- 471375. gulf cooperation council initiative
- 471379. of his wounds
- 471383. is inherent
- 471387. follow-up to the plan
- 471391. whether there was a
- 471395. the average per
- 471399. such as using
- 471304. on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on
- 471308. against sexual exploitation of children and adolescents
- 471312. against piracy
- 471316. of the theme of
- 471320. will not be available by telephone
- 471324. the world trade organization in
- 471328. against the reproductive cloning of human
- 471332. the principle of party autonomy
- 471336. principle of equal opportunities
- 471340. what measures have been taken by
- 471344. mar del plata action plan
- 471348. macaire
- 471352. the istanbul principles
- 471356. the bangalore principles of
- 471360. specific guidelines for
- 471364. nations reform initiatives
- 471368. indebted poor countries initiative
- 471372. white helmets initiative
- 471376. a joint initiative with
- 471380. of its arrears
- 471384. follow-up to the special session of
- 471388. a strong united
- 471392. whether the information
- 471396. the average per capita
- 471400. by the council of europe