The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (995501-995600)
- 172301. role of technology
- 172305. the role of the press
- 172309. role of the committee in
- 172313. the role of local communities
- 172317. role of the special rapporteur
- 172321. of the role of undp in
- 172325. role of those seminars
- 172329. role and importance
- 172333. courses or
- 172337. preparatory committee sessions
- 172341. training courses to
- 172345. training sessions for judges
- 172349. train-the-trainer sessions
- 172353. pay fees
- 172357. payments for the financing of
- 172361. indicia of
- 172365. the handbook on competition legislation
- 172369. of a practical guide
- 172373. destroyed during the
- 172377. of the internal audit services
- 172381. its sixtyseventh session under the item
- 172385. its regular annual session
- 172389. of two further sessions
- 172393. their reconvened sessions
- 172397. its new role
- 172302. role of the assembly
- 172306. role of the fund
- 172310. role and activities of the committee
- 172314. the role of the council in the
- 172318. the role of trade unions
- 172322. unfpa role
- 172326. role of those seminars in
- 172330. role and functions of the secretary-general
- 172334. of information sessions
- 172338. the sessions of the subcommission
- 172342. online training courses
- 172346. awareness sessions
- 172350. the sessions of the committee on
- 172354. payment of salaries to
- 172358. minutes during
- 172362. research guide
- 172366. statistics compilers manual
- 172370. control manual
- 172374. destroyed on
- 172378. duarte for
- 172382. its sixth session to begin in
- 172386. its annual session in new york
- 172390. its twenty-second and twenty-third sessions
- 172394. dorda
- 172398. its role in promoting the rule
- 172303. the role of the president
- 172307. the role of judges in the promotion
- 172311. the role of international financial institutions
- 172315. offices role of
- 172319. role of the international atomic energy agency
- 172323. the role of imf
- 172327. role of those seminars in the context
- 172331. role and functions of the secretary-general of
- 172335. special sessions in
- 172339. sessions of the commission to examine
- 172343. rights training sessions
- 172347. postgraduate courses
- 172351. of the sessions of the commission for
- 172355. payment of this
- 172359. minutes for individual member states and five
- 172363. the procurement manual relating
- 172367. energy statistics compilers manual
- 172371. a discussion guide for the
- 172375. of the translation services
- 172379. its reconvened fifty-seventh session
- 172383. its sixteenth session on the implementation
- 172387. subsequent regular session for the
- 172391. its fiftieth and fifty-first sessions under
- 172395. its leading role by
- 172399. its role in supporting
- 172304. role of the judiciary
- 172308. the role of the public
- 172312. the role of communities
- 172316. good offices role of
- 172320. of the role of undp
- 172324. role of different
- 172328. the role and activities of the
- 172332. the sessions of the expert mechanism
- 172336. sessions of the working party
- 172340. the forum sessions
- 172344. human rights training sessions
- 172348. regular sessions on an annual basis
- 172352. sessions of the cric
- 172356. payments for the financing
- 172360. minutes for statements on behalf
- 172364. of the procurement manual relating
- 172368. the directory of competition authorities
- 172372. its manual
- 172376. police districts
- 172380. its fiftyseventh session under
- 172384. its sixty-sixth session in
- 172388. reconvened twentieth session
- 172392. its thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth sessions
- 172396. a major oversight role in the efforts
- 172400. its role and authority