"قُتِلَ" - قاموس عربي انجليزي


    "قُتِلَ" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • was killed
    • was murdered
    • were killed
    • been killed
    • killed for
    Fahad was killed while running on the beach this morning. Open Subtitles لقد قُتِلَ بينما كان يجري على الشاطئِ هذا الصباح
    You're not suggesting that somebody was killed because of this. Open Subtitles أنت لا تَقترحُ ذلك شخص ما قُتِلَ بسبب هذا.
    Still, there are extenuating circumstances. His father was killed here. Open Subtitles معَ ذلِك، هُناكَ ظروف مُخففة لقد قُتِلَ والدُهُ هُنا
    Years ago, I was married, and my husband was murdered. Open Subtitles كُنتُ مُتزوجَة منذُ سِنين خَلَت، و قَد قُتِلَ زوجي
    Is it not enough that my son was murdered by that man there and that I lost my mum three months back because she was broken by this? Open Subtitles ألا يكفي بأن ابني قُتِلَ بيدَ ذلك الرجل هنالك وأنا خسِرتُ أمي قبل ثلاثةِ أشهر بسبب أنها كانت محطمة بسببِ ذلك؟
    Father was killed in Vietnam, raised by his mother. Open Subtitles الأبّ قُتِلَ في فيتنام تربى مِن قِبل أمِّه
    My husband was killed 15 yards from a ranger's station. Open Subtitles زوجي قُتِلَ على بعد 15 ياردةَ مِنْ محطة الحراس
    Lieutenant Sutton was killed with 11 others on the Scirocco. Open Subtitles الملازم ستن قُتِلَ هو و 11 شخص معه على متن سيراكو
    Chris Lawrence was killed by the FBI because they did not know his true loyalties. Open Subtitles كرس لورانس قُتِلَ بمكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي لأنهم لَمْ يَعْرُفوا ولائه الحقيقي.
    But he was killed in front of her eyes, by Union soldiers... who were ransacking Greenbrier during the battle of Honey Hill. Open Subtitles قُتِلَ أمام عينها من قبل جنود الإتحاد الذين نهبو جربن براير خلال معركة تل العسل
    And I know you've been protecting her since her husband was killed. Open Subtitles وأعلم أنّكَ كنت تحميها مُذ قُتِلَ زوجها.
    Your client was called to pay the ransom, but he was killed before he could deliver it. Open Subtitles استدعي زبونك لدفع فدية، لكنه قُتِلَ قبل أن يتمكن من إيصاله
    He was killed in the first hour of the German invasion. Open Subtitles ـ لقد قُتِلَ في أوّلِ ساعةٍ مِنَ الغزوِ الألمانيّ
    ASAEL Bielski joined the Russian army and was killed in action six month later Open Subtitles آسايُل بيِلسكي إنضمَّ لِلجيشِ الرّوسيّ و قُتِلَ على أرضِ المعركه بعد مُضيّ 6 شهور
    Mike said his mother was killed 20 years ago, right after he was born. Open Subtitles قالَ مايك أمّه قُتِلَ قبل 20 سنةً، مباشرةً بعد هو كَانَ ولدَ.
    He was just a baby when his mother was killed. Open Subtitles هو كَانَ فقط a طفل رضيع عندما أمّه قُتِلَ.
    At this time, the police aren't releasing any details, but earlier tonight, a store clerk was murdered at this downtown location. Open Subtitles في هذا الوقتِ، الشرطة لا يُصدرُ أيّ تفاصيل، لكن قبل الليله موضف المخزنِ قُتِلَ في هذا موقعِ المدينةِ.
    He was one of the revolutionary artists that was murdered by the government at the age of 27. Open Subtitles هو كَانَ أحد الفنانون الثوريون الذي قُتِلَ بالحكومةِ في عُمرِ 27.
    He was murdered three years ago, still unsolved. Open Subtitles هو قُتِلَ قبل ثلاثة سنوات، ما زالَ غير محلولَ.
    Her parents were killed by the police there in 2009. Open Subtitles لقد قُتِلَ والديها هنالكَـ من قِبلِ الشرطةَ عام 2009
    The Afghan Army knows that one of its men has been killed. Open Subtitles بما أنَّ الجيشَ الإفغانيَّ قد علِمَ أنَّ أحدَ أفرادهم قد قُتِلَ
    Your father was killed for what he wanted. Open Subtitles والدكِ قُتِلَ طلبًا لما أراده.

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