Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (602001-602100)
- 94801. are of relevance to
- 94805. personality principle
- 94809. principle of the right
- 94813. relatively early
- 94817. with respect to implementation of
- 94821. what is considered
- 94825. diluent
- 94829. had exercised
- 94833. maqutu
- 94837. malaysia had
- 94841. manneh
- 94845. of the principles of the convention
- 94849. principles of social justice
- 94853. new guidelines on
- 94857. capacity building initiatives
- 94861. the civilian capacity initiative
- 94865. the basic space technology initiative
- 94869. follow-up to the high-level meeting held on
- 94873. of conference follow-up and coordination
- 94877. are available at
- 94881. continues to face difficulties in
- 94885. unless the commission decides
- 94889. as it sees
- 94893. variety of projects
- 94897. the average rate
- 94802. for the section
- 94806. polluter-pays principle
- 94810. the non-refoulement principle
- 94814. amount of funds
- 94818. with respect to implementation of the
- 94822. adequate resources in
- 94826. diluent type
- 94830. maria y campos
- 94834. malabo and bata
- 94838. the managua
- 94842. of manuel
- 94846. principles of peaceful coexistence
- 94850. international labour principles
- 94854. principles such as
- 94858. rights initiatives
- 94862. the sustainable energy for all initiative
- 94866. mubarak's
- 94870. follow-up to the management review
- 94874. follow-up and review of
- 94878. available to annex i parties to reach
- 94882. continues to face difficulties in meeting
- 94886. its supporters
- 94890. body of this
- 94894. two accused
- 94898. the average number of days a
- 94803. directly at the
- 94807. principle of prevention
- 94811. non-discrimination principle
- 94815. a total amount of
- 94819. those related to the question
- 94823. what should be done
- 94827. substantial material
- 94831. masakazu arikawa
- 94835. malta is
- 94839. managua in
- 94843. mahila parishad
- 94847. interdiction principles
- 94851. guidelines on justice
- 94855. human rights principles and standards
- 94859. common initiatives
- 94863. of the sao tome initiative
- 94867. football matches
- 94871. follow-up implementation
- 94875. is available to all
- 94879. is rooted in
- 94883. the government has been
- 94887. whether the parties
- 94891. affordable to
- 94895. very modest
- 94899. medium- to
- 94804. mpanu
- 94808. principle of equal opportunity
- 94812. an important principle
- 94816. what kinds
- 94820. those related to the question of
- 94824. matimba
- 94828. marange
- 94832. maspalomas
- 94836. severe fiscal
- 94840. mantybaev
- 94844. united nations guiding principles on
- 94848. justice principles
- 94852. of technical guidelines on
- 94856. unilateral initiatives and
- 94860. compact initiative
- 94864. of the non-proliferation and disarmament initiative
- 94868. influenced by the model law
- 94872. follow-up to the global conference on
- 94876. were available on
- 94880. lag behind
- 94884. unless it has ascertained that the individual
- 94888. post-uruguay round
- 94892. variety of stakeholders
- 94896. average annual rate
- 94900. acquired immune deficiency