The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (634001-634100)
- 126801. removed without violating the
- 126805. if known
- 126809. express authorization
- 126813. their will and commitment to continue
- 126817. information and communications technology governance
- 126821. of the personnel management
- 126825. administration of these
- 126829. that it condemns and deplores all
- 126833. of data entry
- 126837. transport statistics
- 126841. placing all nuclear facilities
- 126845. departments and offices of the
- 126849. construction management
- 126853. of the state administration
- 126857. national prison administration
- 126861. crm
- 126865. managing information in
- 126869. natural resource management in
- 126873. the waste management
- 126877. management of fuel
- 126881. moscow declaration
- 126885. the warsaw declaration
- 126889. the implementation of rights
- 126893. realize their right
- 126897. single out
- 126802. spain for
- 126806. if she heard
- 126810. a strong political will
- 126814. defer consideration of this item to
- 126818. manage the implementation
- 126822. of the department of peace-keeping operations
- 126826. administrative or financial
- 126830. it condemns and deplores all acts of
- 126834. one of the means
- 126838. detailed statistics on
- 126842. placing all nuclear facilities in
- 126846. weapons management
- 126850. department for international development of the
- 126854. the social welfare department
- 126858. department of social affairs
- 126862. space administration
- 126866. managing information in the
- 126870. of the financial resources management
- 126874. management of cash
- 126878. managing works
- 126882. the result of the vote
- 126886. of declarations of
- 126890. the realization of economic
- 126894. the fulfilment of human rights
- 126898. to liaise with
- 126803. estonia to
- 126807. if so requested
- 126811. our collective will
- 126815. a palestinian terrorist
- 126819. account management
- 126823. an interim administration for kosovo
- 126827. condemns and deplores all
- 126831. guilty according
- 126835. progress in disarmament negotiations
- 126839. statistics from
- 126843. placing all nuclear facilities in the region
- 126847. management of the economy
- 126851. health services department
- 126855. the records management
- 126859. directors of the trust fund
- 126863. international law department
- 126867. property management and construction projects in progress
- 126871. management of water
- 126875. manage migration
- 126879. managing works of
- 126883. the new york declaration on action against
- 126887. declarations by states
- 126891. of the realization of their right
- 126895. implementation of this right
- 126899. establish cooperation
- 126804. to advise the assembly
- 126808. special authorization
- 126812. their will and commitment to
- 126816. about high
- 126820. department of public information to continue building
- 126824. fisheries governance
- 126828. it condemns and deplores all
- 126832. guilty according to
- 126836. of drug statistics
- 126840. should bring
- 126844. denuclearization of the korean peninsula
- 126848. of macroeconomic management
- 126852. department of field support and the office
- 126856. prisons service
- 126860. federal aviation administration
- 126864. conference management and translation
- 126868. human resources management on
- 126872. transboundary water management
- 126876. the management of migration
- 126880. international labour organization declaration on
- 126884. the hyogo declaration and the hyogo framework
- 126888. realization of the right to adequate housing
- 126892. of the realization of their right to
- 126896. the declaration and agenda for action of
- 126900. establishing cooperation