The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (813901-814000)
- 306701. and its member states and of some
- 306705. and those states and organizations that
- 306709. and whose names appear on the
- 306713. and men living in
- 306717. and the written responses
- 306721. and the national coalition of
- 306725. and the russian federation on the
- 306729. and social organization of new caledonia
- 306733. and pretrial detention
- 306737. and questionnaire
- 306741. and safe use
- 306745. and farmland
- 306749. and light weapons in the region
- 306753. and children during
- 306757. the working group continued its consideration
- 306761. clear and explicit
- 306765. and adoption of draft
- 306769. and concrete actions needed
- 306773. and management and the programme of
- 306777. and surveillance and compliance and enforcement
- 306781. the stakeholders listed
- 306785. and legislative framework
- 306789. and social spending
- 306793. the working group agreed to address
- 306797. approved by the board in
- 306702. and affected states
- 306706. and local democracy
- 306710. and industry associations
- 306714. and men before the
- 306718. and the responses to
- 306722. and innovation for development
- 306726. and credit unions
- 306730. social and environmental dimensions of
- 306734. detention and abduction
- 306738. and direct investment
- 306742. and the financial mechanism of
- 306746. and armenian
- 306750. and other persons who
- 306754. and children in conflict with
- 306758. section continued to
- 306762. authors of the declaration of
- 306766. the resolution was adopted
- 306770. and procedures contained in the administrative instruction
- 306774. and terror against civilians
- 306778. and administrative reforms
- 306782. the stakeholders listed below
- 306786. and refoulement
- 306790. neglect or negligent treatment
- 306794. general conference approved
- 306798. the government has agreed
- 306703. and signatories to the treaties
- 306707. and democracy in central africa at
- 306711. and connectivity
- 306715. and men before the law
- 306719. and alternative care of
- 306723. and trends and
- 306727. and the agreements reached between
- 306731. social and educational advancement of the
- 306735. and the estimated requirements for
- 306739. and investment from
- 306743. and organizational performance
- 306747. and questions posed by the representatives
- 306751. and other parties included in
- 306755. and children in particular
- 306759. the organization continued to
- 306763. she considered that
- 306767. the council also adopted
- 306771. and integrated water resources management
- 306775. and deploy rapidly to a peacekeeping operation
- 306779. and economic reforms arising from the
- 306783. the stakeholders listed below have
- 306787. and the political declaration and plan
- 306791. the committee adopted a
- 306795. agreed by the council
- 306799. the main committee approved the
- 306704. and signatories to the treaties of
- 306708. of his or
- 306712. and connect
- 306716. with men in all areas
- 306720. the global coalition for
- 306724. and the international union for
- 306728. and the joint convention on
- 306732. social and cultural rights recognized in
- 306736. and imbalances in
- 306740. and alternative investments
- 306744. and stereotypic roles of
- 306748. and light weapons that
- 306752. and other relevant parties to work
- 306756. permit me also to
- 306760. the sbsta continued
- 306764. and ill health
- 306768. and procedures for recruiting staff for the
- 306772. and management and the programme
- 306776. and first aid stations in
- 306780. and economic reforms arising from the debt
- 306784. the stakeholders listed below have contributed
- 306788. and the political declaration and plan of
- 306792. the committee adopted the following draft resolution
- 306796. approved by the general conference
- 306800. the committee agreed on the