The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (950001-950100)
- 126801. person in respect of
- 126805. sensitive personal
- 126809. sexual partners
- 126813. partners in population
- 126817. corporations or other
- 126821. financial corporations
- 126825. of the corporate
- 126829. minimum conditions of
- 126833. conditions and restrictions
- 126837. by journalists
- 126841. lady health
- 126845. domestic health
- 126849. health of the person concerned
- 126853. valid unliquidated
- 126857. the liberian conflict
- 126861. of exchange established by the controller
- 126865. difficult to justify
- 126869. difficult for women
- 126873. the difficulties experienced by the developing countries
- 126877. complaints lodged against
- 126881. form they take
- 126885. of the final form
- 126889. the complaint is not
- 126893. complainant and his wife
- 126897. of the north and those
- 126802. key figures of
- 126806. the middle east of a zone free
- 126810. principal partners
- 126814. partners in the international community
- 126818. the firms
- 126822. indian enterprises
- 126826. procedural conditions
- 126830. general conditions of delivery
- 126834. to initiate an investigation
- 126838. rwandan journalists
- 126842. the specific health
- 126846. and appropriate health
- 126850. of health of the person concerned
- 126854. regard should
- 126858. conflict through
- 126862. of exchange prevailing on
- 126866. difficult to determine the
- 126870. levels on family issues
- 126874. difficulties that might
- 126878. complaint and reporting
- 126882. the form they take to acquire some
- 126886. complainant to turkey
- 126890. complainant has failed to
- 126894. north-east of cape
- 126898. the north and those of
- 126803. key figures of criminal networks involved
- 126807. free east
- 126811. prospective partners
- 126815. partners in the implementation
- 126819. private companies offering military assistance
- 126823. japanese tncs
- 126827. following clauses
- 126831. other legal and regulatory requirements
- 126835. partner or
- 126839. of journalists in situations of
- 126843. annual health
- 126847. of appropriate health
- 126851. health and nutritional status of
- 126855. of psychological trauma
- 126859. armed conflicts of
- 126863. of exchange and average
- 126867. is very difficult
- 126871. levels on family issues and
- 126875. difficulties inherent
- 126879. new format of the medium-term plan
- 126883. figure vi below
- 126887. complainant would be in
- 126891. complainant and to
- 126895. north-east of cape horn
- 126899. of the north and those of
- 126804. visiting dignitaries and other
- 126808. development partner
- 126812. partners on the
- 126816. partners in the process
- 126820. public and private companies
- 126824. transnational corporations to
- 126828. conditions that must be
- 126832. the relevant conditions
- 126836. local partner
- 126840. the statutory health
- 126844. increased health
- 126848. and national health
- 126852. health and community
- 126856. of the internal conflict
- 126860. exchange established by the controller
- 126864. difficult to distinguish between
- 126868. difficult for governments
- 126872. of the economic difficulties
- 126876. collective complaints
- 126880. the current format of
- 126884. revised format
- 126888. complainant would be in danger
- 126892. complainant and to the state party
- 126896. south north
- 126900. the north and those of the