The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (321801-321900)
- 321801. laws and customs of war on land
- 321805. including the destruction
- 321809. including at the regional level
- 321813. countries in west
- 321817. the coming into force
- 321821. new research
- 321825. strictly with
- 321829. all means of transport
- 321833. on the problems of
- 321837. on the theme of the
- 321841. on the strengthening of the coordination
- 321845. on the role of science
- 321849. concessionary
- 321853. on the special theme
- 321857. on the legal aspects of
- 321861. on self-government
- 321865. for the items listed
- 321869. pramudwinai
- 321873. a country visit
- 321877. additional programmes
- 321881. the safety and security of radioactive sources
- 321885. the latin american parliament
- 321889. of the new programme of action
- 321893. scholarship programme
- 321897. assistance of those
- 321802. indonesian-swiss
- 321806. including the costs of
- 321810. including at the local level
- 321814. broadcast of
- 321818. began in madrid
- 321822. the lake chad
- 321826. clothing allowance
- 321830. role and responsibilities
- 321834. on the draft guidelines
- 321838. the capacity of observers
- 321842. concerning the report
- 321846. on this item would begin
- 321850. writing-off of losses
- 321854. on the consideration of
- 321858. concerning the situation in somalia
- 321862. on appropriate incentives to retain staff
- 321866. on adoption
- 321870. pramila patten
- 321874. statement at least one
- 321878. cooperation programmes of
- 321882. on abyei
- 321886. berlin from
- 321890. the revised programme of action
- 321894. the buenos aires programme of work on
- 321898. with financial assistance from
- 321803. including natural disasters
- 321807. including the distribution
- 321811. transit country
- 321815. three tasks
- 321819. be completed by
- 321823. with the support of the world bank
- 321827. in good faith and bring to
- 321831. interest-free
- 321835. on most of
- 321839. as observers should
- 321843. on those items was held at
- 321847. on this matter in
- 321851. on the following questions
- 321855. on the withdrawal of
- 321859. on the situation in darfur
- 321863. on violence against women migrant workers
- 321867. concerning restrictive measures
- 321871. france-presse
- 321875. so in the
- 321879. saps
- 321883. on how best to measure
- 321887. the programme of technical cooperation in
- 321891. present programme of action
- 321895. at a rate not to exceed
- 321899. of the levels
- 321804. including indicators
- 321808. including women's rights
- 321812. the country of the duty station
- 321816. the start of the programme
- 321820. protection of war victims
- 321824. support of unicef
- 321828. in all six official languages of the
- 321832. on the various aspects
- 321836. on fighting
- 321840. on promotion of
- 321844. on financing options for chemicals
- 321848. regarding whom
- 321852. on secured transactions and
- 321856. on protection challenges
- 321860. on the situation in côte
- 321864. on the sub-item
- 321868. collection programmes
- 321872. barcelona in
- 321876. of radio programmes
- 321880. economic development programmes
- 321884. on the proclamation of
- 321888. iraq programme
- 321892. of icp
- 321896. with the assistance of the russian federation
- 321900. including in areas