The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (859901-860000)
- 36701. private institution
- 36705. an autonomous institution
- 36709. formal institutional
- 36713. of human development indicators
- 36717. protection indicators
- 36721. mortality indicators
- 36725. be provisional until the requirements of
- 36729. of a conference on
- 36733. a world conference on racism
- 36737. a round-table conference
- 36741. of the conference on disarmament to establish
- 36745. peace conferences
- 36749. establishments or
- 36753. educational and training institutions
- 36757. provisional institutions of selfgovernment
- 36761. indigenous peoples' institutions
- 36765. not for personal use or
- 36769. is not an issue
- 36773. of the lima
- 36777. former yugoslavia to
- 36781. of the ceasefire by the
- 36785. the jurisdiction of the board concerned
- 36789. written censure after
- 36793. me conclude
- 36797. libya to the prosecutor of the
- 36702. a lead institution
- 36706. helsinki foundation for
- 36710. human poverty index
- 36714. vulnerability indicators
- 36718. the workload indicators
- 36722. their indicators
- 36726. temporary and limited
- 36730. the dublin conference
- 36734. conference to review
- 36738. charter conference
- 36742. the united nations congresses on
- 36746. its conferences
- 36750. other regional institutions
- 36754. financing institutions and
- 36758. services institutions
- 36762. it was not necessary to
- 36766. not for personal use or articles
- 36770. are not sustainable
- 36774. lindh foundation
- 36778. for the former yugoslavia to
- 36782. for aviation fuel
- 36786. its mandate and in consultation
- 36790. another colour or ethnic origin
- 36794. li zhaoxing
- 36798. concerned to replace
- 36703. clinton foundation
- 36707. a strong institutional
- 36711. outcome indicator
- 36715. conference indicators
- 36719. indicators to monitor the
- 36723. additional interim
- 36727. their professional qualifications
- 36731. an international conference to define
- 36735. a conference of high contracting parties
- 36739. energy charter conference
- 36743. united nations world conferences and in
- 36747. deferred charges as
- 36751. the european union institutions
- 36755. the major funding institutions within
- 36759. defence institutions
- 36763. is not hazardous
- 36767. is not a mere
- 36771. laisenia
- 36775. liu xianbin
- 36779. leoncio prado
- 36783. lukabu khabouji
- 36787. its mandate and in consultation with
- 36791. louise mushikiwabo
- 36795. libran cabactulan
- 36799. leer foundation
- 36704. an international financial institution
- 36708. supportive institutional
- 36712. is an indicator
- 36716. growth indicators
- 36720. corporate responsibility indicators in
- 36724. be provisional until the requirements
- 36728. liaison team in cambodia
- 36732. a major conference
- 36736. follow-up financing for development conference
- 36740. the energy charter conference in the
- 36744. united nations conferences on the standardization
- 36748. recently released
- 36752. insurance institutions
- 36756. institutions of selfgovernment
- 36760. state institutions responsible for
- 36764. that is not a party
- 36768. was not just a
- 36772. liliane muzangi
- 36776. for yugoslavia
- 36780. the ceasefire by the
- 36784. the jurisdiction of the reserving state
- 36788. lulingu
- 36792. mandate of unomig in
- 36796. liberia and the subregion
- 36800. ytl