The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (958401-958500)
- 135201. restore state authority
- 135205. willingness of governments
- 135209. review of the millennium declaration
- 135213. review of needs for technical assistance
- 135217. review of developments pertaining to
- 135221. reviewing the report
- 135225. of the constitutional review in the territory
- 135229. review of laws
- 135233. review of the relevant information and documentation
- 135237. results review
- 135241. review of the programme of work
- 135245. information and communications technology review
- 135249. an annual programme impact review
- 135253. review of the energy sector
- 135257. on the basis of decision
- 135261. basis of the draft text contained in
- 135265. the special rapporteur's conclusions
- 135269. conclusions and recommendations of the meetings
- 135273. its conclusion that
- 135277. of tobacco consumption
- 135281. fuel consumption and
- 135285. its consumption of methyl chloroform
- 135289. been satisfied
- 135293. import of construction materials
- 135297. the requirement to exhaust domestic remedies calls
- 135202. recovery of the ozone layer
- 135206. the government's willingness
- 135210. of the performance review and assessment of
- 135214. concession review
- 135218. the review of reports
- 135222. reviewing cases
- 135226. review of the national registry
- 135230. of the committee's review
- 135234. review the proposal
- 135238. review of the organizational structure of
- 135242. analytical review of
- 135246. review of the implementation of resolution
- 135250. comprehensive review of the programme of
- 135254. new ghg inventory review
- 135258. on the basis of the recommended budget
- 135262. develop and discuss
- 135266. conclusions on this issue
- 135270. the conclusions and recommendations of cpc
- 135274. human reproductive cloning
- 135278. consumption of mercury
- 135282. methyl bromide consumption by
- 135286. brief introductory
- 135290. dismay at
- 135294. importation and use
- 135298. meet the time limits
- 135203. greater willingness
- 135207. preparedness of states
- 135211. review of trends and perspectives in
- 135215. review of first communications
- 135219. reviewing the reports
- 135223. review the situation in
- 135227. operations review
- 135231. review of the principles
- 135235. review of financial resources allocated by
- 135239. states nuclear posture review
- 135243. review of the lump-sum arrangement
- 135247. review of the state
- 135251. comprehensive review of conference servicing
- 135255. review of the lists of states contained
- 135259. basis of the draft text contained
- 135263. committee's conclusion
- 135267. conclusions of this
- 135271. concrete conclusions and recommendations
- 135275. requirement to exhaust all domestic remedies
- 135279. consumption of electricity
- 135283. consumption of methyl chloroform
- 135287. met the information requirements in
- 135291. the import of rough diamonds from
- 135295. absorb the additional requirements
- 135299. capture by
- 135204. readiness of governments
- 135208. their readiness to cooperate with
- 135212. review of needs for
- 135216. review of first communications from
- 135220. review the progress in
- 135224. reviewing lessons learned
- 135228. review of institutional and programme issues
- 135232. the council's review of
- 135236. the budget review
- 135240. united states nuclear posture review
- 135244. reviewing the report of
- 135248. review of the state of
- 135252. the management audit review
- 135256. gas inventory review
- 135260. the basis of the draft text contained
- 135264. conclusions of the study
- 135268. 's findings and recommendations
- 135272. conclusions and all references
- 135276. the exhaustion of the list
- 135280. consumption of the controlled substances in annex
- 135284. its consumption of the
- 135288. met the information requirements in annex
- 135292. the import of all rough diamonds from
- 135296. technology absorption
- 135300. of israel and the