الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (639901-640000)
- 132701. without any exception
- 132705. without relying on
- 132709. without prejudice to the question of their
- 132713. without prejudice to the efficiency
- 132717. without discrimination on the basis of disability
- 132721. without discounting or
- 132725. donka
- 132729. de vega
- 132733. depayin
- 132737. with time-specific benchmarks
- 132741. of the notification by
- 132745. staff member on secondment from government service
- 132749. that they are free
- 132753. five ministries
- 132757. julio prado
- 132761. of options for enhanced voluntary measures and
- 132765. during the decade seminars in
- 132769. the prisons service
- 132773. within the syrian arab republic
- 132777. inside gaza
- 132781. an action plan to prevent
- 132785. of a national plan for
- 132789. nips
- 132793. of audit plans
- 132797. through strengthening of
- 132702. without any reservations
- 132706. short of expectations
- 132710. without reference to the state
- 132714. without taking part
- 132718. without discrimination and in conformity
- 132722. are empowered by
- 132726. the inferiority of
- 132730. dib
- 132734. drepung monastery
- 132738. used as a pretext
- 132742. that report the committee recommends
- 132746. that system and about its
- 132750. cell and
- 132754. fifteen votes to one
- 132758. the development options of small island
- 132762. options for sustained and inclusive growth
- 132766. a third trial chamber
- 132770. liberian national police service
- 132774. within the private sector
- 132778. inside myanmar
- 132782. the maputo plan of action
- 132786. its new strategic plan
- 132790. plans of action adopted
- 132794. concrete plans
- 132798. through assistance to
- 132703. without adding
- 132707. without prejudice to the question
- 132711. without recourse to the
- 132715. without taking part in
- 132719. without discrimination and on the
- 132723. affairs are empowered
- 132727. de aréchaga
- 132731. the preamble to the present
- 132735. definis gojanovic
- 132739. male rats
- 132743. that vein
- 132747. of that system and about its
- 132751. of five years from
- 132755. josé antonio dos
- 132759. of options for enhanced
- 132763. khin nyunt
- 132767. the strategic management service
- 132771. budget and performance reporting service
- 132775. within a society
- 132779. within and beyond
- 132783. the oic plan of action
- 132787. of its plan
- 132791. national plans of action on
- 132795. plans and procedures
- 132799. during those years
- 132704. without prejudice to the provisions of rule
- 132708. without prejudice to the question of
- 132712. without going
- 132716. without identifying
- 132720. without discrimination and on the basis
- 132724. without the participation of the
- 132728. de bahia
- 132732. the preamble to the present resolution
- 132736. relating to multilateral treaties deposited with
- 132740. such an order
- 132744. that board
- 132748. that system and about its use
- 132752. five non-governmental organizations
- 132756. josé filipe moraes
- 132760. of options for enhanced voluntary measures
- 132764. state succession and
- 132768. inspection service
- 132772. durable and just
- 132776. within georgia
- 132780. a workplan for completing
- 132784. a national plan of action in
- 132788. the danger of war
- 132792. of comprehensive plans
- 132796. united nations plans and programmes of action
- 132800. through efforts