The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (477801-477900)
- 477801. review the progress of
- 477805. review of available information regarding the
- 477809. a comprehensive review of the implementation
- 477813. mind the results
- 477817. international community's recognition of
- 477821. the continued flow of
- 477825. the persistence of this
- 477829. was received by
- 477833. continuation of the work of
- 477837. weekly humanitarian
- 477841. establishment of the international tribunal for the
- 477845. establish a working group of
- 477849. create the post of
- 477853. the lebanon recovery
- 477857. better development
- 477861. decolonization and publicity for the work
- 477865. placement of children in institutions
- 477869. the depositary practice of
- 477873. deposit by such state
- 477877. of export credit
- 477881. union of arab jurists
- 477885. production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances
- 477889. may take the necessary measures to implement
- 477893. adopt measures to
- 477897. in response to security council resolution
- 477802. review of united nations support for
- 477806. reviewing the implementation of the monterrey consensus
- 477810. overview of the financing of
- 477814. mind the results of
- 477818. the continued cooperation and assistance
- 477822. of continued crossings
- 477826. the continued reports of
- 477830. of independence of the
- 477834. the continuation of the work of
- 477838. our common humanity in all its diversity
- 477842. establishment of that
- 477846. establishment of a group of
- 477850. creation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone
- 477854. inguri river
- 477858. of decolonization of puerto rico
- 477862. end the recruitment
- 477866. depositary practice
- 477870. depositary practice of the
- 477874. interest income includes all
- 477878. ibrahim khamis
- 477882. seed production
- 477886. produce them
- 477890. take appropriate measures to prevent
- 477894. take all feasible steps
- 477898. entitlement of
- 477803. the five-year review of
- 477807. comprehensive review of the whole question of
- 477811. review of the operations
- 477815. interception of communications
- 477819. continued cooperation and assistance of the
- 477823. of continued crossings of
- 477827. based on the estimated commercial value
- 477831. updating the repertoire
- 477835. complete all its work in
- 477839. the establishment of the department
- 477843. establishing a network of
- 477847. establish a preparatory committee
- 477851. creation of new posts
- 477855. the rescue of
- 477859. decolonization and publicity
- 477863. positive and encouraging
- 477867. depositary practice of
- 477871. the depositary practice of the
- 477875. send a visiting mission
- 477879. a growing trend
- 477883. production of special fissionable material
- 477887. take follow-up action
- 477891. to take measures to protect
- 477895. that all necessary safety and security arrangements
- 477899. leave entitlements
- 477804. review of the unctad section of
- 477808. a thorough review of the
- 477812. mind the need to allay
- 477816. community's recognition of
- 477820. the continued cooperation and assistance of the
- 477824. continued involvement of
- 477828. a referendum on self-government
- 477832. updating the repertoire of
- 477836. achievements and results
- 477840. establishment of the international tribunal for
- 477844. the establishment of a trust fund
- 477848. establishment of a permanent international criminal court
- 477852. their creation
- 477856. negation of
- 477860. decolonization and publicity for
- 477864. create a world
- 477868. the depositary practice
- 477872. the depositary practice of the secretary-general
- 477876. ivalo
- 477880. a similar trend
- 477884. production of all
- 477888. take appropriate preventive action including
- 477892. take similar measures
- 477896. responds to that
- 477900. utilization or