The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (875701-875800)
- 52501. in cities of
- 52505. in its note verbale dated
- 52509. at headquarters duty stations
- 52513. in the field of dispute settlement
- 52517. in the area of peacekeeping operations
- 52521. in the area of transfer
- 52525. in areas of relevance to the convention
- 52529. in industry and
- 52533. in the family law
- 52537. in cyprus of
- 52541. in a decision of
- 52545. in the metered-dose inhaler sector
- 52549. in the gaza strip to
- 52553. in the repression
- 52557. in each biennium for
- 52561. in both sectors
- 52565. in canada to treat
- 52569. at cologne
- 52573. at lisbon in
- 52577. in a shelter
- 52581. at the durban conference
- 52585. at academic institutions
- 52589. in mali since
- 52593. in agricultural statistics
- 52597. in the area of social protection
- 52502. in our cities
- 52506. in auditing
- 52510. in asylum centres
- 52514. in the rights of the child
- 52518. in combating the drug problem
- 52522. in their areas of competence
- 52526. in numerous areas
- 52530. in crime prevention and
- 52534. in the equality act
- 52538. in cyprus beyond
- 52542. in village
- 52546. in the refrigeration sector
- 52550. in an area covered by
- 52554. in caracas in
- 52558. in each phase
- 52562. in both buildings
- 52566. in canada since
- 52570. in human milk
- 52574. in los palos
- 52578. in a regional conference
- 52582. at the durban review conference
- 52586. in mental health institutions
- 52590. on an initiative
- 52594. in the area of insolvency
- 52598. in the field of nuclear safety
- 52503. in the city of ramallah
- 52507. in health care facilities
- 52511. in the start-up phase of
- 52515. in demand reduction
- 52519. in the field of prevention of
- 52523. in the areas of protection
- 52527. in areas such as trade
- 52531. in production hall
- 52535. to legality
- 52539. in cyprus within the
- 52543. at the palais des congrès
- 52547. in the education sector in
- 52551. in the sectors of agriculture
- 52555. in remedying
- 52559. at each centre
- 52563. at columbia university law school and
- 52567. in côte d'ivoire on
- 52571. in the united nations ethics committee
- 52575. at lusaka on
- 52579. at the world summit on the
- 52583. in the millennium summit
- 52587. at majuro
- 52591. in mean
- 52595. in the field of technology
- 52599. in the area of tourism
- 52504. in the memorandum of the secretariat of
- 52508. in secret detention centres
- 52512. in air transport
- 52516. in non-proliferation
- 52520. in the field of urban crime prevention
- 52524. in relevant areas of expertise related
- 52528. in the boards
- 52532. at the al majlis auditorium
- 52536. to legality or
- 52540. in the acceptance
- 52544. in the ngirabatware case
- 52548. in the care sector
- 52552. at the rio summit
- 52556. in each state of
- 52560. both in the general assembly and
- 52564. in cambodia and the non-return to
- 52568. in colombia is
- 52572. in the staff-management coordination committee
- 52576. in libreville from
- 52580. at the donors' conference
- 52584. at the unity summit
- 52588. in malta or
- 52592. in human resources management in
- 52596. of the governance and economic management
- 52600. in the field of violence against women