The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (997901-998000)
- 174701. those claimants
- 174705. the president issued a statement
- 174709. the office issued
- 174713. issued by president
- 174717. of azerbaijan and armenia
- 174721. authorized by the assembly in
- 174725. territory of azerbaijan
- 174729. peruvian territory
- 174733. their agricultural land
- 174737. employers' and workers' organizations
- 174741. four consecutive years
- 174745. four times a week
- 174749. four people in
- 174753. four meetings with the
- 174757. artigas
- 174761. i request to
- 174765. already sent
- 174769. causes of displacement
- 174773. causes of mortality
- 174777. many reasons for
- 174781. one week prior to each
- 174785. australia made a statement
- 174789. of australia for adoption at
- 174793. of families of missing persons
- 174797. the bereaved family of
- 174702. such claimants
- 174706. the council issued a presidential statement
- 174710. the board of auditors issued
- 174714. friends or relatives
- 174718. mention a
- 174722. have authorized the multinational force
- 174726. the territory of iran
- 174730. of its territories
- 174734. aramco
- 174738. arpad
- 174742. of four years with
- 174746. four papers
- 174750. four members of the
- 174754. four countries of
- 174758. the committee deferred its consideration
- 174762. welcome ambassador
- 174766. inventory balances
- 174770. the causes of social disharmony
- 174774. new grounds
- 174778. substantive grounds
- 174782. one week prior to each session
- 174786. australia before
- 174790. australia and the
- 174794. of families of documented migrants
- 174798. family of a displaced registered refugee
- 174703. holders of rights
- 174707. rapporteur issued
- 174711. unicef issued
- 174715. of certain religions
- 174719. remind representatives that
- 174723. have authorized the multinational force referred to
- 174727. of forest land
- 174731. its occupied territories
- 174735. saudi aramco's
- 174739. four wives
- 174743. four aircraft
- 174747. four professional
- 174751. four main objectives
- 174755. four new projects
- 174759. the committee deferred its consideration of the
- 174763. to extend a warm welcome
- 174767. resource balances
- 174771. the causes of conflicts
- 174775. the reasons for inadmissibility no longer apply
- 174779. chrysotile asbestos in annex iii of
- 174783. of two weeks prior
- 174787. australia for adoption
- 174791. draw the attention of members to document
- 174795. parent families
- 174799. fastest growing economies
- 174704. subjects of rights
- 174708. special rapporteur issued
- 174712. the international court of justice rendered
- 174716. azerbaijan on the
- 174720. have authorized the
- 174724. export authorizations
- 174728. the territory of poland
- 174732. their own lands
- 174736. widows of
- 174740. at least four visits
- 174744. at least four times
- 174748. four digits
- 174752. four meetings in
- 174756. four main themes
- 174760. will now be held
- 174764. erskine
- 174768. a foreign land
- 174772. the causes of violence against
- 174776. reasons for their inability to
- 174780. the scheduled work week
- 174784. the western australian
- 174788. of australia for adoption
- 174792. place on record the
- 174796. entire families
- 174800. of their families to