The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (508801-508900)
- 1601. to azerbaijan in
- 1605. to latin america and the
- 1609. to the secretarygeneral of the conference
- 1613. to it without delay
- 1617. for developing countries that are prone
- 1621. to observe strictly
- 1625. to their homelands
- 1629. the assignment of
- 1633. involve men
- 1637. 'notice of
- 1641. making the declarations provided for in articles
- 1645. of international trade law reform
- 1649. additional professional
- 1653. framework for a
- 1657. return of property
- 1661. regrouping
- 1665. the repatriation of all
- 1669. preparing the budget
- 1673. professionalize
- 1677. preparation for the fifty-eighth session
- 1681. under the guidelines
- 1685. a specific time-frame
- 1689. framework for its peaceful progress to self-determination
- 1693. a coherent framework
- 1697. under the budget
- 1602. into sections
- 1606. to agricultural land
- 1610. to the special procedures of the
- 1614. to the ninth meeting
- 1618. for developing countries that are prone to
- 1622. to observe strictly the principles
- 1626. israel to respect
- 1630. make a significant contribution
- 1634. engage young people
- 1638. notice of the proposal for the suspension
- 1642. its issuance
- 1646. of the law reform
- 1650. the framework of this programme
- 1654. cease-fire between
- 1658. the proposed restructuring
- 1662. realignment of the
- 1666. be redrafted
- 1670. the preparation of financial statements that
- 1674. the united nations framework and
- 1678. framework of the working group
- 1682. under project
- 1686. of a comprehensive framework
- 1690. the framework of the commission on enterprise
- 1694. the framework of the fight against
- 1698. framework of the paris club
- 1603. addressed to the secretariat of the
- 1607. the executive secretary to report
- 1611. to the international agreement
- 1615. to accede to it without delay
- 1619. to cooperate in the examination
- 1623. to conciliate
- 1627. projection of
- 1631. explicit references to
- 1635. engagement of youth
- 1639. making the declarations provided for
- 1643. reform of the procedures for determining
- 1647. reform of the committee
- 1651. the framework of the mandate of
- 1655. the repatriation or return of
- 1659. reconstruction of the
- 1663. the reorganization of the programme
- 1667. seconding
- 1671. of weakening
- 1675. the united nations framework and through
- 1679. sustainability framework
- 1683. framework for capacity-building in developing countries
- 1687. under several
- 1691. the remaining items of
- 1695. a logical framework
- 1699. of preparing a study
- 1604. to the fund secretariat
- 1608. to the secretary-general to provide
- 1612. to it without
- 1616. to requesting countries
- 1620. to cooperate in the examination of
- 1624. to focus on those areas
- 1628. ismailov
- 1632. an express reference
- 1636. involvement of all stakeholders
- 1640. making the declarations provided for in
- 1644. reform of the department
- 1648. useful addition
- 1652. framework of his mandate
- 1656. regroupement
- 1660. rejustification
- 1664. refugee resettlement
- 1668. the preparation of the next periodic report
- 1672. the legalization
- 1676. expenditure framework
- 1680. the framework of the sixth committee
- 1684. under the peacekeeping support account
- 1688. under the awg-lca
- 1692. the framework of the paris pact initiative
- 1696. the framework of the charter
- 1700. preparation of guidelines