The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (745001-745100)
- 237801. big problems
- 237805. to face with
- 237809. they decide
- 237813. lose their jobs
- 237817. capacity and infrastructure
- 237821. cent in the fourth quarter
- 237825. of failing
- 237829. related to land
- 237833. team work
- 237837. price movements
- 237841. transcend national boundaries
- 237845. certain cultures
- 237849. the mine-clearance programme
- 237853. including early warning measures
- 237857. reports of the secretary-general submitted to the
- 237861. secretariat prepare
- 237865. in coordination with united nations agencies
- 237869. the secretariat on the basis
- 237873. in cooperation with the member states
- 237877. the regional office for africa
- 237881. health-care infrastructure
- 237885. organizations that are members
- 237889. the last day of the
- 237893. approval or accession with the secretary-general
- 237897. the original proposal shall be
- 237802. not with the
- 237806. on day one
- 237810. in four days
- 237814. the secretary-general shall ensure that
- 237818. first annual conference
- 237822. other financial and business
- 237826. category i of
- 237830. bombs and
- 237834. fdi flows in
- 237838. recruitment or use of children in
- 237842. of inter-ethnic
- 237846. a year after
- 237850. undp at the
- 237854. need support
- 237858. of female education
- 237862. strengthening public administration
- 237866. to preserving
- 237870. the secretariat on the basis of
- 237874. in collaboration with indigenous peoples
- 237878. brutal and
- 237882. global population growth
- 237886. terrorist organizations that
- 237890. necessary to give
- 237894. statistical abstract
- 237898. submitted by state parties under
- 237803. not a matter of
- 237807. on a flight
- 237811. fort lauderdale
- 237815. the secretary-general continues to
- 237819. first global conference on
- 237823. the regional conference on the integration
- 237827. subcommission at its forty-fourth session
- 237831. the relationship between security
- 237835. security council measures
- 237839. action items
- 237843. of dependency benefits
- 237847. after two
- 237851. mine-awareness programmes
- 237855. of the north sea
- 237859. the implementation of governing council decision
- 237863. a report of the secretary-general on
- 237867. shoot down
- 237871. low prices
- 237875. offices and sections
- 237879. other delegations in congratulating you
- 237883. the true identity
- 237887. regional and subregional organizations and
- 237891. necessary to give the
- 237895. latter topic
- 237899. on minorities of the sub-commission
- 237804. for this company
- 237808. in a matter of hours
- 237812. we should work
- 237816. the original proposal shall be considered
- 237820. money and time
- 237824. the regional conference on the integration of
- 237828. necessary to enable her to
- 237832. relationship in
- 237836. command consensus
- 237840. date of issue
- 237844. of dependency benefits and post adjustments
- 237848. bernhard
- 237852. unifying
- 237856. the vagaries of
- 237860. coordinating science and technology for
- 237864. with health
- 237868. minimum age of recruitment
- 237872. its integration into
- 237876. the gains made so far
- 237880. infrastructure needed
- 237884. terrorist bombings and
- 237888. paper products
- 237892. output and employment
- 237896. the original proposal shall
- 237900. criminal responsibility of legal persons