The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (745701-745800)
- 238501. un general assembly in
- 238505. timetable and organization of work for
- 238509. regional governmental
- 238513. right incentives
- 238517. past crises
- 238521. persons cooperating with
- 238525. stateless persons in
- 238529. of year-end asset and liability
- 238533. resident children
- 238537. children from the effects of
- 238541. secretariat on the organization
- 238545. united nations needs to
- 238549. the international islamic
- 238553. portable computers other office
- 238557. better standard of living
- 238561. will take place from
- 238565. long negotiations
- 238569. intensive negotiations with a view
- 238573. detailed as required to incorporate the
- 238577. the concept of the right to development
- 238581. the census commissioner
- 238585. compared with the budget for
- 238589. province of vojvodina
- 238593. seat for
- 238597. united nations offices in baghdad
- 238502. crime from
- 238506. parts i and ii of
- 238510. acquire them
- 238514. of families with
- 238518. the basis for the development
- 238522. persons deprived of their liberty are
- 238526. racial origin
- 238530. the united nations to achieve international cooperation
- 238534. to life of children
- 238538. nations mine action
- 238542. secretariat in relation to
- 238546. permanent residence status
- 238550. customs formalities
- 238554. intensive and
- 238558. departure of equipment from
- 238562. negotiations on such a treaty
- 238566. immediate negotiations
- 238570. was open to all
- 238574. effect or
- 238578. concept of operation
- 238582. is beneficial
- 238586. districts of the country
- 238590. the district of columbia
- 238594. one seat in
- 238598. unama offices
- 238503. the special part
- 238507. the security council's sanctions
- 238511. of land rights
- 238515. advanced conventional weapons
- 238519. parties upon
- 238523. global frameworks
- 238527. remaining assets
- 238531. of minurso for
- 238535. children to freedom
- 238539. of the secretariat to the
- 238543. technical panels
- 238547. declaration under articles
- 238551. the proceedings before the
- 238555. were enshrined in
- 238559. closed meeting of the group of
- 238563. constructive negotiations on
- 238567. fully-fledged negotiations
- 238571. open to participation by all
- 238575. a broader concept
- 238579. the concept of the rule
- 238583. was useful in
- 238587. ituri province
- 238591. based in nairobi or
- 238595. two seats for the group
- 238599. registry offices
- 238504. public information efforts
- 238508. particulate matter
- 238512. right to abortion
- 238516. of chemical or biological weapons
- 238520. disappeared children
- 238524. the evidence requested
- 238528. non-financial assets
- 238532. of undof for the period from
- 238536. children from the effects
- 238540. of the united nations secretariat on
- 238544. the first african
- 238548. terrorism and transnational crime
- 238552. actions proposed in
- 238556. shelters because of
- 238560. from previous sessions of the committee held
- 238564. negotiation between the governments of argentina
- 238568. negotiations to determine the status of
- 238572. informal open
- 238576. concept of proportionality
- 238580. concept of strategic deployment stocks
- 238584. off jubayl
- 238588. sinoe county
- 238592. divided into three
- 238596. its seat in
- 238600. of new offices