The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (444501-444600)
- 444501. of area-based
- 444505. convening a high-level conference under the
- 444509. a member of the conference
- 444513. arising out of acts not prohibited by
- 444517. the non-inclusion
- 444521. lack of compliance with
- 444525. number of policies and programmes
- 444529. inequality and poverty
- 444533. non-submission of
- 444537. the presentation of financial statements
- 444541. particularly vulnerable to
- 444545. have promoted
- 444549. number of children with disabilities
- 444553. for exploration for polymetallic nodules in
- 444557. its particular needs at
- 444561. meet the test of
- 444565. not as such constitute a sufficient ground
- 444569. climate change calls for
- 444573. for the self-determination of the people of
- 444577. to improve the protection of the
- 444581. to improve the profitability
- 444585. for environmental sustainability
- 444589. for unmil
- 444593. of a country is
- 444597. lebanon without
- 444502. on a cost-sharing basis with
- 444506. twenty days
- 444510. be a member of
- 444514. a similar number
- 444518. the non-utilization
- 444522. number of signatures
- 444526. the number of detainees
- 444530. of inadmissibility
- 444534. of the inalienability of
- 444538. the chairman introduced
- 444542. offered to host
- 444546. several strategies
- 444550. number of child victims
- 444554. for exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts
- 444558. its particular needs at the
- 444562. to meet the test
- 444566. especially as regards
- 444570. for submission of nominations
- 444574. to determine their own political
- 444578. to improve the working methods of
- 444582. to improve the profitability of
- 444586. for achieving that
- 444590. for unami
- 444594. peacebuilding office
- 444598. lebanon over
- 444503. on grounds that
- 444507. member of the partnership or consortium
- 444511. two members and two alternate members
- 444515. a number of key issues
- 444519. the lack of independence of
- 444523. the number of states parties participating in
- 444527. number of products
- 444531. the decriminalization of
- 444535. its inability to
- 444539. introduction of the report of
- 444543. race or group
- 444547. several principles
- 444551. of its investments are disclosed
- 444555. for elections to subsidiary organs when
- 444559. to its particular needs at the
- 444563. to meet the test of
- 444567. continue to face difficulties
- 444571. to be presented to
- 444575. the export of anti-personnel land-mines
- 444579. to improve governance
- 444583. to improve the ability
- 444587. to allocate resources
- 444591. to amis
- 444595. for statistical capacity-building in
- 444599. lebanon and western bekaa
- 444504. convene meetings
- 444508. a non-permanent member of
- 444512. arising out of acts
- 444516. a number of measures to
- 444520. the lack of quorum
- 444524. number of states participating in
- 444528. number of staff by
- 444532. non-registration
- 444536. the absence of data
- 444540. the representative of canada introduced
- 444544. their presentations
- 444548. several attacks
- 444552. to review the report
- 444556. of the entry into force of the
- 444560. meet the test
- 444564. did not contain any
- 444568. remaining outside
- 444572. for the self-determination of the people
- 444576. for the development of education
- 444580. to improve the living conditions of
- 444584. to improve the ability of
- 444588. of the kyoto protocol pursuant to
- 444592. the survival of the civilian population
- 444596. lebanon after
- 444600. demonstrate the circumstances