The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (610501-610600)
- 103301. the occupied syrian golan since
- 103305. mission air
- 103309. royal moroccan army
- 103313. the efforts of the least
- 103317. ongoing efforts of the
- 103321. efforts to maintain
- 103325. efforts to diversify
- 103329. of the essential need
- 103333. limiting the extent
- 103337. northern border of
- 103341. border between the sudan and south sudan
- 103345. speak of the
- 103349. the war of aggression
- 103353. social deprivation
- 103357. the situation to the international criminal court
- 103361. the situation in which
- 103365. overall financial situation
- 103369. the situation in somalia constitutes
- 103373. denial of the right
- 103377. the accounts for the
- 103381. the relative share
- 103385. the situation in liberia continues
- 103389. the mission's current
- 103393. scale within
- 103397. urban poverty reduction
- 103302. second round of language-specific informational meetings
- 103306. air and land
- 103310. the national army of
- 103314. efforts by the government of
- 103318. the ongoing efforts of the
- 103322. the efforts to prevent
- 103326. the continued efforts
- 103330. thirtyfirst
- 103334. of a juvenile
- 103338. croatian border
- 103342. border between liberia
- 103346. free and full
- 103350. the greater arab free
- 103354. situations that might
- 103358. humanitarian situation in somalia
- 103362. the geopolitical and security situation
- 103366. the situation relating to nagorny karabakh
- 103370. situation in iraq
- 103374. the african party
- 103378. principal accounts
- 103382. market shares
- 103386. the situation in the zone
- 103390. existing office automation
- 103394. of scale within
- 103398. support to the ministry of
- 103303. of the fourth round of
- 103307. the pakistani army
- 103311. nalu
- 103315. efforts being made by
- 103319. ongoing efforts to address
- 103323. the global effort to
- 103327. elhadji
- 103331. general assembly at its sixty-first
- 103335. the land boundary between
- 103339. national borders and
- 103343. border with ghana
- 103347. of thermal
- 103351. islamic revolutionary guard
- 103355. confirmed cases
- 103359. the humanitarian and economic situation
- 103363. general situation of
- 103367. cash situation
- 103371. the situation in east timor during its
- 103375. communist party of nepal
- 103379. general accounts
- 103383. obtain certified emission reductions for
- 103387. the situation in the zone of
- 103391. current and prior
- 103395. reducing the impact of
- 103399. transitional support
- 103304. airspace of bosnia and herzegovina not authorized
- 103308. of the abandoned lebanese army
- 103312. of the military in
- 103316. ongoing efforts by
- 103320. internal efforts
- 103324. arab efforts
- 103328. need to take measures
- 103332. the limitation of anti-ballistic missile systems
- 103336. of the outer limit
- 103340. border between the sudan and south
- 103344. border with guinea
- 103348. of guards
- 103352. haram al-sharif
- 103356. potential cases
- 103360. nutritional status of
- 103364. the actual state
- 103368. the situation in the sudan continues to
- 103372. deprivation of liberty was
- 103376. the special account of
- 103380. hasakah
- 103384. access to the minimum
- 103388. the situation in the sahel region
- 103392. bookings
- 103396. reducing violence against
- 103400. programme-support