The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (720901-721000)
- 213701. other successor states
- 213705. the practice of making concluding statements in
- 213709. recent years because
- 213713. of unep at
- 213717. dryland development
- 213721. respect that right within the provisions
- 213725. special coordinator for africa and the least
- 213729. revised statute of
- 213733. local and foreign investors
- 213737. osce permanent council
- 213741. provisional relief
- 213745. secretary-general to keep the
- 213749. declaration issued
- 213753. european and american
- 213757. holy places in
- 213761. the last weeks
- 213765. mechanisms provided for in
- 213769. the statistical commission the report of the
- 213773. humanitarian institutions
- 213777. resolve the crisis in
- 213781. recommendations by the secretary-general
- 213785. to support activities in
- 213789. to regional cooperation
- 213793. of the states members of the zone
- 213797. replace the first sentence with
- 213702. those administering powers that
- 213706. who insist
- 213710. other passengers
- 213714. by consensus at the
- 213718. the estimates of income
- 213722. pusan
- 213726. cuban-american national
- 213730. european parliament elections
- 213734. of information among member states
- 213738. continuing human rights
- 213742. a peaceful transition
- 213746. of the secretary-general on the observance of
- 213750. of the declaration and the programme
- 213754. vital needs of
- 213758. the secretariat to promote
- 213762. the undp core
- 213766. in the thousands
- 213770. refugees and displaced persons have
- 213774. the familiar
- 213778. fisheries conservation and management
- 213782. the consensus achieved
- 213786. for the refugees in
- 213790. the housing and urban development sector
- 213794. to non-nuclear states
- 213798. does not consider that
- 213703. following fifteen member states
- 213707. the authority and the united nations
- 213711. a husband who
- 213715. some united nations bodies
- 213719. the representation of women in the secretariat
- 213723. country's infrastructure
- 213727. the highest paid national
- 213731. special representative of the secretary-general in burundi
- 213735. first trials
- 213739. of the central african armed
- 213743. contractual security
- 213747. the oau secretary-general
- 213751. of the declaration and the programme of
- 213755. initial requirements of
- 213759. following fifteen member
- 213763. views at
- 213767. to activities in the area
- 213771. cent of the children in
- 213775. concern the dire consequences of a
- 213779. right of persons to
- 213783. clear consensus
- 213787. to mark the tenth anniversary of
- 213791. to ask questions
- 213795. haves
- 213799. particularly in latin america
- 213704. the administering power to work
- 213708. government bond
- 213712. men do not
- 213716. on aij
- 213720. united nations fact-finding
- 213724. other development organizations
- 213728. basic documents of
- 213732. equality and equity between women
- 213736. of candidates obtaining such a majority is
- 213740. the united nations standing advisory
- 213744. full security
- 213748. important activities of
- 213752. priority humanitarian
- 213756. the convention by states parties that
- 213760. applicability of international humanitarian law
- 213764. mechanisms provided for
- 213768. opportunity to reaffirm
- 213772. academic institutions and non-governmental organizations
- 213776. connected with international terrorism
- 213780. the recommendations of the regional seminars
- 213784. for united nations efforts
- 213788. united nations conference on trade and
- 213792. the states members of the zone
- 213796. there could be a
- 213800. purposes of these rules