The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (949001-949100)
- 125801. service-level agreement
- 125805. the world trade organization agreement on
- 125809. of the agreement on a ceasefire
- 125813. other agreements related to
- 125817. collective bargaining agreements
- 125821. human rights council adopted resolution
- 125825. unamid has taken
- 125829. taken or envisaged taking
- 125833. taken by the office
- 125837. telephone contact
- 125841. the meeting of the ministers of
- 125845. expert group meetings and workshops
- 125849. meetings of the standing committee from
- 125853. meetings of the assembly of states parties
- 125857. many meetings
- 125861. meetings of honlea
- 125865. its thirtyfourth meeting
- 125869. greater social
- 125873. in which he expresses
- 125877. which measures the
- 125881. who made statements at the
- 125885. who sought refuge
- 125889. who had been involved in
- 125893. to the capital master
- 125897. four pilot
- 125802. a common agreement
- 125806. the wto agreement on agriculture
- 125810. a successor agreement to the
- 125814. agreements or arrangements on
- 125818. of headquarters agreements concluded by
- 125822. following measures have been taken
- 125826. been taken to prevent and suppress
- 125830. has taken in
- 125834. data consistency
- 125838. his contacts with governments
- 125842. will convene in geneva
- 125846. regional meetings in observance
- 125850. interactive round tables
- 125854. meetings within
- 125858. meetings of the implementation review group
- 125862. its inaugural meeting
- 125866. their eighth meeting
- 125870. the special rapporteur met with a representative
- 125874. covering the activities
- 125878. that provides for
- 125882. who have resided in
- 125886. who joined
- 125890. who were involved in the
- 125894. government's main
- 125898. industrial associations
- 125803. of an agreement with the
- 125807. separate agreement
- 125811. an agreement concerning
- 125815. subsequent peace agreements
- 125819. bilateral agreements to prevent
- 125823. the government has undertaken
- 125827. action taken and
- 125831. adopted unanimously by the security council at
- 125835. policy coherence and
- 125839. its contacts and cooperation
- 125843. organized an expert group meeting
- 125847. the meetings of the standing committees
- 125851. meetings of intergovernmental
- 125855. formal meetings of the standing committee in
- 125859. security council meetings in
- 125863. its seventeenth meeting
- 125867. their eleventh meeting
- 125871. commission met
- 125875. covering the activities of
- 125879. that is made
- 125883. who benefited from
- 125887. who have dropped out
- 125891. 's major
- 125895. the principal and subsidiary
- 125899. american association of university women
- 125804. an appropriate agreement
- 125808. the agreement on a cease-fire
- 125812. a unique multilateral agreement
- 125816. of economic partnership agreements
- 125820. adoption of this resolution on
- 125824. the government has taken steps
- 125828. taken by australia
- 125832. by the board on the substantive items
- 125836. liaise closely
- 125840. the nairobi meeting
- 125844. meetings held with
- 125848. the preparatory committee meetings and
- 125852. the meetings of the subsidiary bodies
- 125856. of monthly meetings of the
- 125860. meetings with president
- 125864. its fifty-third meeting
- 125868. social and international
- 125872. the jurisprudence of the
- 125876. which presents
- 125880. who have been uprooted as a
- 125884. who had to
- 125888. who had been subjected to
- 125892. camp main
- 125896. the co-chairpersons of
- 125900. new japan women's association