Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (16801-16900)
- 16801. to the united nations presents its compliments
- 16805. review process
- 16809. the ability to
- 16813. highest level
- 16817. pretoria
- 16821. duty to
- 16825. dying
- 16829. in geneva in
- 16833. of verification
- 16837. of treaty
- 16841. protective
- 16845. committee recommends
- 16849. of equitable geographical
- 16853. of advisory
- 16857. strategic deployment
- 16861. national income
- 16865. by the specialized
- 16869. and changes in
- 16873. the kingdom
- 16877. in its
- 16881. i wonder
- 16885. of up to
- 16889. resolutions of the security council
- 16893. enactment of
- 16897. the international monetary fund
- 16802. many years
- 16806. in mind the
- 16810. second world assembly
- 16814. or degrading treatment
- 16818. specific recommendations
- 16822. a picture
- 16826. which the security council is seized
- 16830. geneva on
- 16834. i give the floor to
- 16838. to a number of
- 16842. crimes against humanity
- 16846. these meetings
- 16850. did this
- 16854. how long
- 16858. of disasters
- 16862. off the coast of
- 16866. a bomb
- 16870. kira
- 16874. and related matters
- 16878. and the president of
- 16882. concluding observations of
- 16886. the perspective
- 16890. judgment
- 16894. arafat
- 16898. instructions from
- 16803. the convening
- 16807. civilization
- 16811. aimed at the
- 16815. client
- 16819. christopher
- 16823. discussion on
- 16827. medium-term plan
- 16831. outer space activities
- 16835. official records of the general assembly
- 16839. air transport
- 16843. national commission
- 16847. board's recommendation that
- 16851. the united nations to
- 16855. chairman of the committee
- 16859. adopted at
- 16863. of age
- 16867. and the relevant
- 16871. the rest of the
- 16875. representative of the united states
- 16879. sixty-sixth session
- 16883. an equal footing
- 16887. all those
- 16891. the international civil service commission
- 16895. please don't
- 16899. of sri
- 16804. committee on the elimination of racial discrimination
- 16808. security management
- 16812. asian and pacific
- 16816. of the report of the
- 16820. and protect the
- 16824. someone's
- 16828. its forty-seventh session
- 16832. services and
- 16836. of candidates
- 16840. in algeria
- 16844. to the implementation of the declaration
- 16848. pledges
- 16852. and other international organizations
- 16856. of national unity
- 16860. resources to
- 16864. ozone layer
- 16868. the heads of
- 16872. the outcome of the united nations conference
- 16876. these guidelines
- 16880. the second part of
- 16884. the global level
- 16888. regional levels
- 16892. he had
- 16896. at its fifty-sixth session
- 16900. you talking about