The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (553501-553600)
- 46301. high-level participation
- 46305. closely involved in
- 46309. a standard of living adequate for the
- 46313. levels of contribution for peacekeeping operations
- 46317. our endeavour
- 46321. participation of least developed countries in
- 46325. the draft financial rules
- 46329. states draft
- 46333. systems renewal project
- 46337. project funded by
- 46341. draft work plan
- 46345. for nuclear power source
- 46349. sources and removals by sinks of
- 46353. of the best interest of the child
- 46357. credibility of the elections
- 46361. social development projects
- 46365. programme projects
- 46369. of their projects
- 46373. with those institutions
- 46377. with south sudan
- 46381. with the government of the russian federation
- 46385. with the president of the tribunal
- 46389. with the international financial and trade institutions
- 46393. with the terminology
- 46397. with the special rapporteur on violence
- 46302. be fully associated
- 46306. draft agreements
- 46310. possible level of participation
- 46314. the standards of living
- 46318. with a mandate to
- 46322. the draft resolution on the elimination
- 46326. of the ipsas project
- 46330. draft two-year work programme
- 46334. training project
- 46338. the draft monterrey consensus
- 46342. stating that the
- 46346. of information sources
- 46350. countries' interests
- 46354. the best interests of the child are
- 46358. american bank
- 46362. draft resolutions submitted under items
- 46366. institution-building projects
- 46370. water problems
- 46374. with the republic of the
- 46378. with situations
- 46382. with the government of mozambique
- 46386. with the spirit of the convention
- 46390. with the international community and the
- 46394. with relevant international treaties and based on
- 46398. with relevant non-governmental organizations
- 46303. would be fully associated
- 46307. quick-impact projects for the third year of
- 46311. force levels
- 46315. living standards of the population
- 46319. drafts of
- 46323. draft resolution that is before
- 46327. standardized access control project
- 46331. of a draft optional protocol to the
- 46335. the draft report of the
- 46339. following draft provisional agenda
- 46343. fisheries in the
- 46347. water source
- 46351. the interests of creditors
- 46355. interests of that
- 46359. central american bank
- 46363. the draft articles adopted by the
- 46367. draft plans of action
- 46371. while ignoring
- 46375. with all relevant actors
- 46379. with al-shabaab
- 46383. with the protection of
- 46387. with habitat agenda partners
- 46391. with the scientific community
- 46395. with the inspectors
- 46399. with approval the
- 46304. the participation of the representatives of
- 46308. of technical cooperation projects in
- 46312. assistance levels
- 46316. as withdrawn
- 46320. participation of stakeholders in
- 46324. draft resolution to the vote
- 46328. the draft final document of
- 46332. a draft presidential statement
- 46336. draft report of main committee iii
- 46340. annotated draft agenda of
- 46344. big data sources
- 46348. sources or enhancements of
- 46352. interests of the child are
- 46356. interests of that member are specially affected
- 46360. joint implementation project
- 46364. draft articles on responsibility of states for
- 46368. projects in this
- 46372. with the promotion
- 46376. with all its partners
- 46380. with the convention rights
- 46384. with the plan of action
- 46388. with international and development institutions
- 46392. with smes
- 46396. with the special rapporteur that
- 46400. with the multilateral trading system