Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (19701-19800)
- 19701. the high-level committee
- 19705. to appoint
- 19709. ad hoc expert
- 19713. the whole question
- 19717. the scientific committee
- 19721. deplete the ozone layer
- 19725. of the statute of the
- 19729. explained
- 19733. committee on coordination
- 19737. component of
- 19741. their request
- 19745. infantry
- 19749. textbooks
- 19753. regional seas
- 19757. my report
- 19761. the participation of women in
- 19765. follow-up to the outcome of
- 19769. exercise of the right of reply
- 19773. begins
- 19777. don't see
- 19781. on contemporary forms of racism
- 19785. large numbers
- 19789. us to
- 19793. somaliland
- 19797. handling
- 19702. but she's
- 19706. and make
- 19710. risk reduction
- 19714. respondents
- 19718. options for
- 19722. disabled persons and the family
- 19726. phase of
- 19730. the twenty-third special session of
- 19734. the palestinian question
- 19738. of red
- 19742. restraint
- 19746. of ecuador
- 19750. voluntarily
- 19754. united nations declaration on
- 19758. for economic and social affairs
- 19762. mortality rates
- 19766. taking note of the report of
- 19770. clean development mechanism
- 19774. the legal and technical commission
- 19778. environmental issues
- 19782. 'cause i
- 19786. of the intergovernmental
- 19790. and practical
- 19794. for the suppression of acts of
- 19798. after consultation
- 19703. sheldon
- 19707. five-year
- 19711. population in
- 19715. the environmentally
- 19719. inherent
- 19723. in the middle of
- 19727. cab
- 19731. unamsil
- 19735. fluctuations
- 19739. of vote before
- 19743. is going on
- 19747. of refugees and displaced persons
- 19751. personality
- 19755. of the red cross
- 19759. in the wake
- 19763. at an early stage
- 19767. mortar
- 19771. of south-south cooperation
- 19775. elimination of all
- 19779. near future
- 19783. what now
- 19787. technical cooperation projects
- 19791. to the enjoyment of the highest
- 19795. curse
- 19799. and a number of
- 19704. until you
- 19708. twice a
- 19712. the publication of
- 19716. of violations of
- 19720. the suppression of the financing of terrorism
- 19724. to the secretary-general of the united nations
- 19728. seems like
- 19732. vince
- 19736. south korea
- 19740. on the results
- 19744. following paragraphs
- 19748. i just don't
- 19752. the united nations and the organization
- 19756. or settlement
- 19760. representative of the russian federation
- 19764. player
- 19768. a lack
- 19772. the local population
- 19776. earmarked
- 19780. from that
- 19784. my mind
- 19788. interests of the child
- 19792. in tokyo
- 19796. of sovereignty
- 19800. and the united republic of tanzania