Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (559201-559300)
- 52001. the past year and
- 52005. the coming two years
- 52009. agency's annual
- 52013. curricula vitae of candidates
- 52017. humanitarian affairs and
- 52021. the main concern
- 52025. environmental policies and programmes
- 52029. policies and harmonization of
- 52033. the ceasefire political
- 52037. the population lived in
- 52041. disarmament transmitting the
- 52045. disarmament and for the promotion of
- 52049. north-south peace
- 52053. of peace and stability in somalia
- 52057. goods and means
- 52061. outstanding advances
- 52065. slovakian
- 52069. specific features of
- 52073. of illicit demand for
- 52077. of submissions to
- 52081. emergency to
- 52085. the necessary security conditions
- 52089. iraq must
- 52093. obstructions
- 52097. of their race
- 52002. year which had been stockpiled
- 52006. following years
- 52010. fourth anniversary
- 52014. local control
- 52018. social affairs and health
- 52022. el-shafei
- 52026. policies and measures in the
- 52030. the requisite political
- 52034. politics and public
- 52038. of the costed population
- 52042. disarmament on the basis
- 52046. disarmament and distributed
- 52050. peace on the korean peninsula
- 52054. peace and economic development
- 52058. goods and means of
- 52062. advances from
- 52066. irresponsible behaviour
- 52070. joint submission made by
- 52074. applicant is a newly organized entity
- 52078. incoming requests
- 52082. of the long
- 52086. social circumstances
- 52090. iraq against
- 52094. area and other particulars of arab
- 52098. technical presentations
- 52003. the year to cover
- 52007. of the second annual
- 52011. annual and special
- 52015. scenario ii
- 52019. of gender and family
- 52023. policies and procedures for recruiting
- 52027. policy and legislative
- 52031. of opposition political
- 52035. politicians in
- 52039. of housing and property
- 52043. disarmament was
- 52047. women's peace
- 52051. the madrid peace
- 52055. and implementing peace
- 52059. good or service
- 52063. advance is
- 52067. conduct may
- 52071. request contained in general assembly resolution
- 52075. new applications received from
- 52079. different religious communities
- 52083. of longer-term
- 52087. particular circumstances of each
- 52091. the interim iraqi
- 52095. offer or
- 52099. country presentations
- 52004. the following two years
- 52008. annual population
- 52012. the jurisprudence of the european court
- 52016. of management of the secretariat
- 52020. the shipper or
- 52024. trade policies and strategies
- 52028. policy and implementation
- 52032. recognized political
- 52036. population and development acting as
- 52040. disarmament to intensify efforts towards
- 52044. disarmament and for the promotion
- 52048. inter-sudanese peace
- 52052. the peace and stability of
- 52056. final authority
- 52060. of the advances
- 52064. peace and stability in the world
- 52068. the particular characteristics of
- 52072. demand for them
- 52076. applications made
- 52080. jewish communities
- 52084. israeli warplanes overflew the nabatiyah
- 52088. many states have
- 52092. frozen iraqi
- 52096. oral presentation of
- 52100. presentations made