The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (309701-309800)
- 309701. of action for the united nations decade
- 309705. that day in
- 309709. we now turn to the
- 309713. from the embassy
- 309717. the board observed that
- 309721. chief administrative officers
- 309725. do not allow for
- 309729. other kinds
- 309733. will on the part of
- 309737. first basement
- 309741. cent in the first half of
- 309745. since world war
- 309749. without a doubt
- 309753. note by the secretariat transmitting
- 309757. babel
- 309761. works on
- 309765. the convention by states parties
- 309769. targets set
- 309773. militarily significant
- 309777. an integral part of fundamental human rights
- 309781. sona
- 309785. rates of illiteracy
- 309789. and other provisions
- 309793. services authority
- 309797. committee of the red cross and
- 309702. in recent years by
- 309706. all-out
- 309710. and dairy products
- 309714. the general secretariat of the
- 309718. and with the secretary-general
- 309722. as chief
- 309726. to the special needs of
- 309730. stability and progress
- 309734. previous administration
- 309738. the states parties to this convention
- 309742. business planning
- 309746. and a man
- 309750. problem is not
- 309754. and appliances
- 309758. to crush
- 309762. the secretary-general established the
- 309766. united nations observation
- 309770. domestic and international markets
- 309774. wind speed
- 309778. turkey to the united nations addressed
- 309782. his garage
- 309786. with other development partners
- 309790. and the european union in
- 309794. these basic principles
- 309798. and the icrc
- 309703. the drivers
- 309707. copernicus
- 309711. of the statute of the institute
- 309715. and administrations
- 309719. a cessation of hostilities
- 309723. christiansen
- 309727. new york police
- 309731. requirements relating
- 309735. the united nations and ngos
- 309739. the financial implications of draft resolutions
- 309743. travel subsistence allowance
- 309747. wit
- 309751. of origin or its restitution
- 309755. this climate
- 309759. giulio
- 309763. fear of the
- 309767. the united nations was
- 309771. interrogating
- 309775. provisional agenda and organization of work
- 309779. under the sun
- 309783. with his girlfriend
- 309787. other public institutions the
- 309791. of the forty-first session
- 309795. these balances
- 309799. moldova to the united nations
- 309704. red line
- 309708. and meteorology
- 309712. of other areas
- 309716. these working groups
- 309720. notes by the secretary-general transmitting the
- 309724. on security grounds
- 309728. in mind the necessity of
- 309732. the different needs
- 309736. the world where
- 309740. mind the necessity of
- 309744. mortgages
- 309748. explain this
- 309752. the security council commends the
- 309756. hasegawa
- 309760. khyber
- 309764. fifth year
- 309768. practical considerations
- 309772. member state of the united nations
- 309776. the preparation of his defence
- 309780. her husband was
- 309784. to film
- 309788. the united nations transition mission in haiti
- 309792. large group
- 309796. of these priorities
- 309800. and of individuals