The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (556501-556600)
- 49301. the european union military mission
- 49305. programme had
- 49309. optional protocol and amendment to
- 49313. of simplicity
- 49317. countries that have experienced
- 49321. poor countries and
- 49325. of the communication to the committee
- 49329. author has failed to substantiate
- 49333. the transmitting country
- 49337. tariffs imposed by developed countries
- 49341. public and private education
- 49345. voluntary undertakings
- 49349. of the indemnity provided under paragraph
- 49353. of compensatory
- 49357. express those views
- 49361. accelerating efforts to
- 49365. torture is a peremptory norm
- 49369. of packaging
- 49373. the interaction among
- 49377. of collective bargaining
- 49381. cooperation with the special procedures
- 49385. cooperation with the council of europe
- 49389. of cooperation and friendship
- 49393. and development of cooperatives
- 49397. the earlier reports
- 49302. mission currently
- 49306. optional protocol on the involvement
- 49310. of the protocol concerning
- 49314. human beings on the grounds
- 49318. countries that have implemented
- 49322. countries able
- 49326. communication separately from
- 49330. author herself
- 49334. the beneficiary country
- 49338. the e-learning
- 49342. of school education
- 49346. compensation relating
- 49350. awards for
- 49354. appointments at
- 49358. of expression and right to participate
- 49362. acceleration of the feminization of
- 49366. of torture is a peremptory norm
- 49370. variations in budgetary assumptions
- 49374. the interactions between climate change adaptation
- 49378. cooperation against
- 49382. of cooperation with institutions
- 49386. of cooperation and consultation
- 49390. cooperation and the convening
- 49394. coexistence among
- 49398. quadrennial reports for the
- 49303. the national aids programme
- 49307. optional protocol to the crc on
- 49311. the protocol on liability
- 49315. the country since the
- 49319. countries that have developed
- 49323. gender dimension of
- 49327. communication occurred prior
- 49331. second and subsequent national communications
- 49335. the only country to
- 49339. concluding comments to
- 49343. education and to participate
- 49347. civil compensation
- 49351. the approved awards for
- 49355. of expression that
- 49359. of expression and right to participate in
- 49363. torture which
- 49367. torture since
- 49371. key changes
- 49375. of the interactions between climate change adaptation
- 49379. cooperation amongst
- 49383. of cooperation with institutions that
- 49387. cooperation and coordination between the two organizations
- 49391. cooperation and the convening of
- 49395. preferential or
- 49399. reports issued in
- 49304. the programme at the
- 49308. the optional protocol from
- 49312. the protocol on liability and compensation
- 49316. affected country parties is
- 49320. countries operating under
- 49324. prostitution and trafficking in
- 49328. communication occurred prior to
- 49332. the notifying country
- 49336. current definition of
- 49340. education first
- 49344. undertaking of
- 49348. the indemnity provided under paragraph
- 49352. of the approved awards for
- 49356. expression under article
- 49360. expression and of the press
- 49364. torture in the context of
- 49368. torture and violence
- 49372. of the changes in
- 49376. of understanding among
- 49380. cooperation with the secretariats
- 49384. cooperation with regional and subregional organizations in
- 49388. oecd in
- 49392. cooperation and the convening of the
- 49396. reports not submitted in
- 49400. outstanding reports