The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (764601-764700)
- 257401. for consultations to deal
- 257405. to tackle violence
- 257409. a career development
- 257413. the techniques used by
- 257417. of punctuality in the
- 257421. punctuality in the interest of ensuring
- 257425. potential costs and benefits
- 257429. of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or
- 257433. for social development at copenhagen
- 257437. for assessing the progress achieved in the
- 257441. to assess the results of
- 257445. technologies by
- 257449. to meet any
- 257453. for responding effectively to them
- 257457. to representation
- 257461. to enable the court to
- 257465. so as to allow them to
- 257469. the republic of cyprus once
- 257473. all its subsidiary organs
- 257477. for all countries in
- 257481. to all users
- 257485. latin american and caribbean committee
- 257489. technology committee
- 257493. commission on human rights for adoption
- 257497. of a high-level commission on
- 257402. to encourage greater
- 257406. to the vote immediately
- 257410. for dealing with children
- 257414. punctuality in
- 257418. punctuality in the interest
- 257422. of an evaluation
- 257426. to enable the implementation
- 257430. coordination monitoring
- 257434. for needs assessment
- 257438. for technology assessment
- 257442. of equal opportunities for all
- 257446. of communications technologies
- 257450. to meet their urgent needs
- 257454. to receive complaints of
- 257458. to enable the united nations convention
- 257462. to empower rural women
- 257466. the somali republic
- 257470. of the republic of cyprus once
- 257474. for all premises
- 257478. to all the victims
- 257482. to all professionals
- 257486. committee for administering the
- 257490. of the information systems coordination committee
- 257494. a governmental committee on
- 257498. of a high-level commission on sustainable development
- 257403. to question the
- 257407. solidarity with the palestinian people was
- 257411. of progress made towards the
- 257415. of punctuality in
- 257419. punctuality in the interest of
- 257423. a self-assessment
- 257427. of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination
- 257431. of implementation on
- 257435. to assess the progress achieved in
- 257439. to assess relevant facts and develop
- 257443. programme support costs are accounted for
- 257447. information and communications technologies have in
- 257451. to meet the immediate needs of
- 257455. to those of the
- 257459. to enable parties to
- 257463. to enable every
- 257467. republic of china to
- 257471. federal republic of yugoslavia to
- 257475. all accrued liabilities
- 257479. for all age groups
- 257483. for all women and girls
- 257487. committee for administering the mechanism for
- 257491. the al-qaida sanctions committee
- 257495. an international commission of inquiry into
- 257499. legal subcommittee and
- 257404. responses to the crisis
- 257408. directly applicable in
- 257412. of excessive food price volatility
- 257416. punctuality in the
- 257420. of punctuality in the interest
- 257424. for assessments
- 257428. arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or
- 257432. for social development held
- 257436. for assessing the progress achieved in
- 257440. to assess the status of implementation
- 257444. for programme support costs are accounted for
- 257448. information and communications technologies have in promoting
- 257452. to meet the increasing demand
- 257456. to those issues
- 257460. to enable african countries to
- 257464. to enable the conference of the parties
- 257468. republic of benin
- 257472. federal republic of yugoslavia to the
- 257476. of all accrued liabilities
- 257480. for all girls
- 257484. all those delegations
- 257488. a consultative committee
- 257492. commission for human rights and good governance
- 257496. main committee shall
- 257500. of an audit committee