Les mots et expressions anglais les plus fréquents dans les corpus arabes-anglais (18001-18100)
- 18001. national report
- 18005. government forces
- 18009. long time
- 18013. victims and witnesses
- 18017. lex
- 18021. rely on
- 18025. in space
- 18029. conducive
- 18033. at his request
- 18037. spouses
- 18041. on enforced or
- 18045. sessions of the
- 18049. other nuclear
- 18053. unchanged
- 18057. of mass
- 18061. new agenda for the development of
- 18065. the sustainability
- 18069. of the world's indigenous people
- 18073. per cent by
- 18077. of mutual
- 18081. the gate
- 18085. support in
- 18089. nuclear-weapon-free zone in
- 18093. owed
- 18097. including alternative approaches
- 18002. where do
- 18006. commanders
- 18010. this includes
- 18014. the new partnership for
- 18018. pertinent
- 18022. the united nations assistance
- 18026. its sixty-eighth session
- 18030. on this item
- 18034. of the executive committee
- 18038. attracting
- 18042. deplete
- 18046. the republic of bosnia and herzegovina
- 18050. crown
- 18054. boris
- 18058. usage
- 18062. and timely
- 18066. for the establishment of
- 18070. cent of all
- 18074. an increased
- 18078. positive aspects
- 18082. criminal justice systems
- 18086. in morocco
- 18090. passengers
- 18094. the interim
- 18098. alliance of
- 18003. ontario
- 18007. organized by the permanent mission of
- 18011. mac
- 18015. viii of
- 18019. european parliament
- 18023. applications for
- 18027. on the situation with regard to the
- 18031. on gender equality
- 18035. sees
- 18039. some extent
- 18043. covered by
- 18047. solitary confinement
- 18051. dedicated
- 18055. of national reconciliation
- 18059. pops
- 18063. confident
- 18067. persons belonging to national
- 18071. overcoming
- 18075. of guinea
- 18079. virginia
- 18083. and palestine
- 18087. and on their destruction
- 18091. dry
- 18095. institutional capacity
- 18099. the international day
- 18004. releases
- 18008. the situation with regard to the
- 18012. with him
- 18016. lovely
- 18020. such persons
- 18024. turner
- 18028. nations hybrid operation in
- 18032. protection of civilian persons
- 18036. and sexual
- 18040. pie
- 18044. the specialized agencies and the international institutions
- 18048. entitlements
- 18052. the ilo
- 18056. their assessed contributions
- 18060. if possible
- 18064. takes note with appreciation of
- 18068. deputy secretary-general
- 18072. in the table
- 18076. available in
- 18080. the non-governmental
- 18084. and waste
- 18088. dangers
- 18092. way to
- 18096. elimination of discrimination against
- 18100. he went