The most frequent English words and phrases in Arabic-English corpora (116101-116200)
- 116101. and vulnerabilities
- 116105. were approved by
- 116109. and mandate of the
- 116113. in accordance with the requirements of
- 116117. and non-selectivity
- 116121. camp faouar
- 116125. sufficient information on
- 116129. assistant administrator
- 116133. grant claims
- 116137. financial assistance from
- 116141. abdelhamid
- 116145. on the basis of the principles
- 116149. of the membership of the conference
- 116153. chihoub
- 116157. of the lists
- 116161. for designing
- 116165. of the review mechanism
- 116169. right of all peoples
- 116173. of all states to
- 116177. israeli enemy military
- 116181. roadblocks
- 116185. resource plan
- 116189. the working group's
- 116193. for the sole purpose of
- 116197. the family and beyond
- 116102. recalling also security council resolution
- 116106. concurrently
- 116110. is authorized
- 116114. it goes without saying
- 116118. committee recalls
- 116122. with them on the improvement
- 116126. bangkok treaty
- 116130. israeli artillery
- 116134. with australia
- 116138. within the jurisdiction
- 116142. the world of work
- 116146. on grounds that go beyond
- 116150. their membership
- 116154. the instruments of
- 116158. forest sector
- 116162. karemera
- 116166. agency's ability
- 116170. governments of countries
- 116174. the attendance of
- 116178. so as not to
- 116182. our sincere
- 116186. of the third review conference
- 116190. bosnia and herzegovina to the
- 116194. for the previous biennium
- 116198. of the family and beyond
- 116103. the mandate of the panel
- 116107. according to the information received
- 116111. this implies
- 116115. were asked
- 116119. support units
- 116123. with them on the improvement of
- 116127. as practicable
- 116131. with the international criminal tribunal for
- 116135. carers
- 116139. the weak
- 116143. of universality
- 116147. on grounds that go beyond mere
- 116151. eden
- 116155. clear link
- 116159. kampuchea
- 116163. as a strategy
- 116167. an equal footing with men
- 116171. republic of korea to
- 116175. the project boundary
- 116179. freedom of travel
- 116183. service and compensation for officials
- 116187. to managers
- 116191. for decision
- 116195. for preventive diplomacy for
- 116199. for south-west asia
- 116104. the mandate of the panel of
- 116108. and specialized agencies of the
- 116112. in accordance with the established practice
- 116116. and for the kind words
- 116120. a final document
- 116124. the vacancy rate
- 116128. exercise of freedom of
- 116132. with the permanent representative
- 116136. important contribution
- 116140. on dialogue
- 116144. on a non-discriminatory basis
- 116148. to membership
- 116152. to modern energy services
- 116156. strength of the
- 116160. for the achievement of the
- 116164. of spain to the
- 116168. all interested
- 116172. of all nations
- 116176. enemy military
- 116180. information campaign
- 116184. of service and compensation for officials
- 116188. for officials
- 116192. programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns
- 116196. peace conference
- 116200. committees and